Yep so u thank 2 more weeks
yeah but things can change fast, check the trichomes near the end of the day where theyre at their most 'developed' plus if majority of pistils are brown,red (not white) and are starting to shrink back as if trying to deliver a seed to its waiting seed pod, then its ready from now on,
normally a two week window for max degredation.
If strain has high levels of CBD and THC then take a bud now and dry to try it, youll be surprised at the mixture of head high to start with then a mellow, getting mellower high.
Just looked more closely at strain, she has upto 20 percent thc but no CBD but its still classed as a medicinal strain, prolly one of those ones when they use it when the trichomes are 40% cloudy 60% clear.
Some amazing Lab results on stuff like that coming from california and holland at mo,
I say, try a bit now, then monitor her over the next two weeks for change.
she could really swell up in the next two weeks aswell.