New Grower This is a true story

My secret to getting one to stretch is taking clones from the lowest branches as early as possible. When I was learning how to clone photos I read that the lowest branches root better because they have more of the hormones needed to make roots....or something like that .lower branches are also the least developed and have more time left on the clock.I applied this to autos and have had good luck.
My secret to getting one to stretch is taking clones from the lowest branches as early as possible. When I was learning how to clone photos I read that the lowest branches root better because they have more of the hormones needed to make roots....or something like that .lower branches are also the least developed and have more time left on the clock.I applied this to autos and have had good luck.
Im pretty sure that the one thats taken of came from the first branches tip ......yeah as early as poss im thinking

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With the delivery I got today there shall be more experiments shortly

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So mother and daughter doing real fine ,and now got some seedstockers white widow,bcn power and northern lights in to soak so let's get some cuttings on the go,this time I will photograph all stages and document it all ,as long as there are some successes along with the failures......

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