New Grower This is a true story

Hey G! A mate of mine, Iron Justice was his name, used to be on another forum a few years ago... ahem.. THCTALK..

He gave his brother a cutting from an auto, can't remember what the strain was.. but the cutting went massive and out yielded the original plant.

Soo.. it can be done bud, there's no guarantees tho.

Subbed up for the journey,

Good luck and stuff,

lol techNophobe
Too old for this tinternet and complicator but its an essential tool haha..........the worlds a safer place now lol .....vpn,anonimity,no need to show off to ur best mate and end up getting ur door kicked in least its not the backdoor....ouch

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hmm this will be an interesting one. i read a couple things on cloning them but first few all said it was pointless so never really gave it any thought since then. good to hear vlad saying it can be done though and well done for giving it a bash mate im lookin forward to this : ) fingers crossed for you man i really hope this works out.
hmm this will be an interesting one. i read a couple things on cloning them but first few all said it was pointless so never really gave it any thought since then. good to hear vlad saying it can be done though and well done for giving it a bash mate im lookin forward to this : ) fingers crossed for you man i really hope this works out.
So far so good its stretching like crazy and throwing pistils more than the mother did ........lets hope im not gonna get it coming out as a heshefaghag

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Subbed up G if you get the cutting early enough there's no reason it shouldn't stretch its little arse off watching with interest [emoji106]

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Thats the bit i neglected to explain clearly ......when i took it ,there are 2 others taken a few days later and their just stunted and forming tiny buds .....still cant kill them though

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