Well guys,
I worked hard the last days on my garden, giving the ladys the best circumstances i can do. And they went back into flowering, ALL of them!
I really kept an eye on every single plant and made the feeding-solution for each single lady, like i saw her what she needed.
The garden
AU 1 in early stage, she´s at 76 cm now
AU 3 a little bit older
I didn´t take the ph-inpot-test, because the rootsystem is such dense, i can´t even stick a finger in the soil above. And after all the problems i had in the past at this grow i don´t want to stress them more by damaging rootssystem. They look healty, green leaves, no sings of over- or underfeeding, ec/ppm is ok and also ph seems to going down and THC is uprising!

At least i´m thinking about the time when they will finish and what the time of 2 or 3 weeks they stopped counts .
DP told that they should finish like this after germination:
AU 10-11 weeks
AM 10 weeks
CBD 9-10 weeks
Today week 8 starts and moslty of them are quite away to finish, will they add the lost time to their normal lifetime ????
What do you guys mean?
Greets to all of you!