New Grower TheMongol: Real Strange Grow Matters

looks good brother.i think same as chester.probably run a hair longer then normal.they havnt even gone in swell mode yet(at least from looks of pics)
thnaks, kkeniff:bump:

after many years of photos and feminised ladys i really like that autos and i´m going forward to the them, chasing to good yealds...:baked:
Thanks Chester,:hookah:

as you remember, i started with 20/4 lightcycle....after got problems went down to 18/6..... so you would advise to change back into 20/4?

Might as well stay at 18/6 ... I'd love to know the science behind flowering and if more hours of light grows bigger buds ... @Waira @stepside ... what would be your thoughts ... :shrug:
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Might as well stay at 18/6 ... I'd love to know the science behind flowering and if more hours of light grows bigger buds ... @Waira ... what would be your thoughts ... :shrug:
Thanks Chester,

like your palming posts:LikeWeed:

lets look for @Wairas post.
Hey guys,

unfortunatetly today I had to take a CBD out of the garden, because of space and humidity problems.-( Always when i harvest one of the ladys or smash her out i take care to open the pot and l to study the rootsystem.

Here she is:
07.03.17 001.JPG
07.03.17 003.JPG

The roots
07.03.17 005.JPG
07.03.17 005.JPG

From above
07.03.17 007.JPG

Main rootsystem
07.03.17 011.JPG
07.03.17 014.JPG

Path- or Mainroot
07.03.17 012.JPG

Looks healthy...............
Might as well stay at 18/6 ... I'd love to know the science behind flowering and if more hours of light grows bigger buds ... @Waira @stepside ... what would be your thoughts ... :shrug:

Hey stepside,

what do you think about the lightciycle? :hookah:
:smoking: No worries for the roots Mongol, as long as you don't try near the base and hit the main tap, you're fine! My pots get SOLID with roots top to bottom, and they aren't fazed by the testing, so go ahead and check,... :thumbsup: stay on your current light sched'!...
...yeah, I think they stalled out some and will take longer than usual,.. breeder times are pretty "optimistic" even for minimal ripeness at harvest, just too many other factors involved that can extend times,...
They look great my friend! :dancer::spels: :dancer: :d5: ... too bad about the CBD,.. almost a good problem to have-? the roots are fantastic though, and a very good sign mate!
Hey stepside,

what do you think about the lightciycle? :hookah:
You know I'm not convinced either way.. I'm running 24/7 right now due to needing the extra heat. I think me personally... I've had better results when the plants get to sleep
Might as well stay at 18/6 ... I'd love to know the science behind flowering and if more hours of light grows bigger buds ... @Waira @stepside ... what would be your thoughts ... :shrug:

My name aint stepside, but I can let my ideas fly. Hopefully I I'm not too confusing, I'm going on memory rather looking this up.

What is happening in photo plants is this:

There are two bits of stuff in the leaves that are related to creating the hormone that initiates flower meristem development. COnstance protein and one more (i forget its name) but they have a negative correlation, and CO is only created during the light part of the day. When the day length gets short enough the CO protein stops being present in quantities to suppress the other chemichal, which starts innitiating the DNA to create "Florigen" This happens in the leaves, and florigen is moved through the vascular system to the growing meristems. This is where the change to flowering happens. The leaf meristems undergo a change in the presence of florigen and start creating flower parts.

This is how it works for "short day plants" What starts the trigger to flower is actually the long night period. CO protein is the plants time clock.

It is very simmilar for "long day plants"

It is COMPLETELY different for Autoflowers or "day neutral plants"

The mechanism to induce flowering in day neutral plants is not consistant or understood. It is species dependent, and the best advice I have gotten from plant biologists is that you can only say that they will flower when biologically prepared to do so... which is saying nothing.

I would LOVE to know what is triggering florigen in an auto. Hopefulle @Waira or someone will set us straight.

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Thanks Green Genes ... the main question is ... When Flowering an auto flower plant will you get bigger better buds at 18/6 or 24/0 or some variation in between ... the science behind why would be nice to know too ....