Indoor The wilma grows

6 inch fan and filter- I cut a sheet of mdf the size of the bedroom window with a 6 inch hole for the extraction. Its invisible from outside.
Its a really small room so works well enough
Any pictures of this setup? Very interested in the "invisible from outside" part.

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Any pictures of this setup? Very interested in the "invisible from outside" part.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Well invisible might be a bit of a stretch!
The windows open a couple inches and the venetian blinds are turned half shut- you can only see the window from the other side
@Need4Weed[/USER] cheers man- theyre a great dog too when trained well
Dude I love training young dogs (and horses). My last dog was so cool. At the park she would climb a ladder and slide, and afterwards get in line with other kids. If the line wasn't moving fast enough, she would nudge em in the arse with her nose. So many funny stories i could tell She would hunt rabbits and wasn't gun shy, and would help me find the golf balls I didn't hit strait. I've only owned 2 dogs my whole life cause it hurts so bad to lose them, but my little one wants a puppy for Christmas. I'm getting ready to call back about the one i seen yesterday, was busy a little while ago. :peace:
@Itisi i usually run 24/0 will put the mars on a timer though :thumbsup:
I'll get some pet insurance too. It can get costly if they need to see the vet

Pet insurance is a must, saved me a few £1000 over the years... And I must say if this its your first go to puppy training, its not the dog that gets trained but you. Best thing we did when we got ours. You will need it when it becomes a teenager... mwhaaaaaa

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DAY 31

Not too much to report, plants are doing ok starting to show signs of preflowering.
Theyre staying very squat- must be the mars 700