This is the official thread mate, post your updates in here... :smoking:

years of good work there hunting pheno's out, Jean-o! ...ChemD' x BC, what a funk that one could make -

Logged in Jp, first off the line in fact! ..... Roger that on the guerilla pass, noted... How often do you foresee visiting them? We'd like to see updates every few weeks, but that's a guideline, not locked in,... What matters is that there's several check-in's over the grow season, not just 3-4... This more of an authentication thing; another help in confirmation is taking pics of the plants from the same general spot, the background as a marker of sorts... We do this to discourage any funny bizz down the line, I'm sure you get it-

... we've not had any fraudulent claims so far, (plant switching, etc.), but we gotta put some sort of guidelines out there to maintain the integrity of the Comp',...
Otherwise, you are set!

......To date, only a couple guerilla growers have entered and none made it to the final stages, sadly...

This is a high attrition contest historically, no surprise!