Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Alright into the great outdoors. Hope there is room for my genetic anomaly (Partially White Black Domina) and a Stardawg.

yet another freak domina-? lol :rolleyes2: :goodluck: ppp
Blueberry cookies
Blueberry cookies Weekly up date
She's really starting to it's a nice good-looking Bud structures and she's stretched a lot in 2 days some of the branches have stretches long is 8 and 10 in.
Hawaiian Maui Waui
Hawaiian Maui waui weekly update.
not much change with this girl other than the stretch.
she's showing a little bit of pre buds sign but she's a strong sativa strain and probably won't show good bud sign until next week.
Dragon Blood HP
Dragon Blood HP weekly update. This plant is just growing off the chain. She has the blood trait in her. When snapping a leaf off she will bleed.

So I'm still feeding daily morning and night for all your t's and I've added Earth Juice Pro bloom to the mix foliar and ground feeding. I decided not to do any topdressing with it and mix it straight in the water and dump it to them. As it seems to get to where it's got to go a whole lot quicker than the top dressing.