Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

entry 420forever 5/31
The more the merrier, even if it's only for shits and giggles :jump:....whatcha planing on throwing outside? :eyebrows:

welp, there'z a bit of a funnee stonerstory to all o' this...of course :rofl: ya see, i'd known about this thread, but had never vizited it, and hence, read the rulez :rolleyes2: ...that is, until earlier this afternoon, 5 min after i jus entered a thc bomb auto from bomb seedz into the bbt :doh: soooo, seein as how a plant here can't be in any other battle, it'd hafta be jus for funziez here :shrug: however, heh-heh :eyebrows:, i do have one more battle bean i'm gonna be plantin outside on the solstice, a female seedz auto gelato, that could just as ezily go here come that time :muahaha: meanwhile, the thc bomb bean, aka Xena :biggrin:, is soakin as we speak & will be hittin the dirt tomorrow evenin ;) she'll be gettin grown fully outside, all the way, from planting to much an experiment as anything else, lol :coffee: i've wanted to grow outside for the longest time, and our weather here is jus now finally permitting, so hoo-ha, the outside growtrain is now boarding, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


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Is this competition still open and does growing in a greenhouse work? I believe it does as @Waira explained above. If so great.
I doubt in my northern climate I could finish a plant. Early September and our growing is done.
If not I may just grow along for fun.
Have 2 photo's and 1 auto in the greenhouse now.
:smoking: Sure is John, have a look at the first posting in this thread for rules and such,.. No start dates, just a finish date,.... GH grows A-OK!
Pick your horse(s), make your entry code card up to join officially - :thumbsup:
i've wanted to grow outside for the longest time, and our weather here is jus now finally permitting, so hoo-ha, the outside growtrain is now boarding, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
:d5: 420' El Vato, great to see you join deeeewd! If you like enter the auto too when ready... :headbang:
I just set out 1 of my Sapphire Scout in 65 gallon bag so will post update tomorrow :cooldance:
Dabber, you too man, I was wondering if you were heading this way! :cooldance: .... git yer code card, read up on post #1 and you're gold :biggrin:
:baby: babies getting ready to rock! I'm still not sure which 3 I'll pick, it's a tough call :rolleyes2:....
Line-up is the same:
-- Red Mandarine F1FV
-- Ice Cool
-- Pineapple (SeedStockers)
-- F99 x Black Lime Reserve
-- Mimosa Champagne
-- Strawberry Amnesia


...tent is stuffed!

Who are the oldest ladies I'm drooling over mate? :drool:.....that tent looks like it'll be busting at the seems in a couple of weeks :rofl:....some mighty fine photos you've chosen to run this round :d5:
:baby: babies getting ready to rock! I'm still not sure which 3 I'll pick, it's a tough call :rolleyes2:....
Line-up is the same:
-- Red Mandarine F1FV
-- Ice Cool
-- Pineapple (SeedStockers)
-- F99 x Black Lime Reserve
-- Mimosa Champagne
-- Strawberry Amnesia

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...tent is stuffed!
View attachment 1197314
Who are the oldest ladies I'm drooling over mate? :drool:.....that tent looks like it'll be busting at the seems in a couple of weeks :rofl:....some mighty fine photos you've chosen to run this round :d5:

TGB about time! :rofl: ... we should talk about the threadmarks thing soon, just to get familiar with them... pretty new to me as well, but in Reader Mode it shows only the threadmarks in the entire thread if you need to scan actual posts.... Otherwise I've been using Entry for code card posts, and Updates for the rest,...
Check yourself in fun shits and gigs,... hit Add Threadmark, label as Entry, name, date...You'll see the others and how it's done,... You can play with buttons to show everything too....

:eyebrows: The autos are part of the Prescription Blend nutes testing, located in their section,... might be too much of a PITA to do a combined thread like I've done before, so when ready, I'll start an stand-alone OD grow thread too....
In there is Livers bx, HubbaBubbaHaze, Orange Bud and Creeper x2 :woohoo1: