Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Ok, so theese are 3little amesia auto plants, they are 2month old, in the early flowering phase.
Since they live in an apartment i dig them directly in the pot from the beginning, 1april they came out.
With 4 internodes i started LST and removed 2/4leaf each to make bending easier. My LST makes them to grow almost parallel to the soik.
Some days ago i did a very very soft cropping, one branch broke during LST but recovered fast and now it s the larger of branches. I feed them with bottled water+ biobizz outdoor component (1ml each nutrient until now as they begin to show pre flowering). Do you thin i sholud trim a bit?
:toke: Salad mate, these girls are indoor, right? As such they don't qualify to enter this Competition because they must be growing fully outside for most all their lives, sorry! Did you read the first post of this thread for the contest rules? Of course you are welcome to follow along, watch and learn :greenthumb:
Your girls do look great though, nice job on the grow and training so far - :d5: .... consider starting your own grow thread if you like, in the Indoor section!
No.. They live ON the balcony window and i treated, grown them as in the wild but without a gaeden or soil. Pots and cables. Funny happening of the day: i found one of my cats comoletly inside the pot sniffing and eating the girls.. After that there was a bird attack with crows and pidgeons onnthe window lURking tje girls! PANIC! But i dont know the rules of comoetition, ot s up to you, i think it s just a funny game:)
update hecno 5/31
Weekly update guys , Day 7 of being placed outside . Male on the right . :thumbsup:


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GTG-- I see some serious grow-stream building up now! :coffee:... lovely!

Jean-O -- same for you - :d5: - shaping is looking interesting now, they remind me of the cool African Acacias with the naked base and the low, wide canopy...
OD auto's are a tough challenge man, the cool ground seems to bog them down if it's hitting early on,... Sometimes they seem to go into a survival mode of sorts, low branching, short height, fast finish,...

Quentin -- about time it started warming and Sunning up, it shows...:smoking:
update Sleeper143 5/31
Day 20 update: so these little ones will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. 4th node just starting to pop out, so a little slow going, but that’s partly to do with them only getting about 6/7 hrs in proper sunlight before they start to get shaded. Luckily we are experiencing amazing weather here over the last 2 weeks, and it’s set to continue for a few more days yet, which is giving them the best chance of surviving at this early stage: