Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

update DankstyleJ 8/8
My icee blaster comp entry an the rest of the ladies!!!
Dbl Grape x White Crack starting to bend the branches so tied them up. Pistils still mainly white and she is very sticky and strong smelling. Gone way past the breeders time but it is outside in a greenhouse with wildly fluctuating weather at times.
update Jpkindbud 8/8
UPDATE- weekly update of the OD girls. Well it was,I believe... nitrogen deficiency with alaskan purple cuz she looks much better this week than last week! Good thing i hit her with worm casting tea. The yellow stopped traveling and one leaf affected seems to have greened up a little. The gorilla girl seems to be a champ and looks like its about to take off. I didn’t include white widow last time... but shes still chugging along and looks like she is finally pushing a few pistils out.
First 3 pics are Alaskan Purple, 4-7 are Gorilla Girl, last 4 pics are White Widow!
@Waira update on the outdoor photo ish Dinafem Quick Kush. It appears to be past the reveg and is looking like normal floweing is taking back over. She is frosty and smells great. Some grapefruit and Lemon very citric smelling gassy goodness. She looks to me to be about week 2 maybe into flower its going to be hard to tell with some of these. I am having some cold nights into the mid 50's and the days are high 70's low 80's not much rain to talk of and the RH is finally balancing out. Its been a pretty tough growing season so Im not going to complain about the size of the girls this year I feel I did pretty good so far with all of the challenges this year has presented. This year has definitely shown me that just because something does good indoors does not mean its going to do worth a squat outdoors.
Dinafem Quick Kush


A pic of whats going on with the flowers on the Quick Kush they are looking yummy frosty!
Nice, it's an impressive plant.
Not these modern heavy indica colas, but she's got size!
Nice comparison with the Dinafem Gorillas.
Thanks much. It’s taking off right now since the bloom tea. Really didn’t expect this height.

I’m really impressed with the dinafem gorillas. @Dinafem-Mark tremendous growth so I can’t wait to see how the flower phase goes and is a bit early to determine. With the super-cropping, trim and bloom tea it’s really triggered#1 &2 to flower more and #3 which was the original front runner of the three has stalled so I’m wondering if I have some root issues below.
@Waira Update HSO Fast OGKZ looking good it seems to have stopped stretching again. This plant is sticky icky.... Im sampling the first one right now and the bud looks and smells like some reggies but it has good flavor I taste the zkittles a lot and the buz is nice. This one seems to have the same smell I hope it flowers a little bit better although I did get a nice yield off the first one. Damn internet is running slow I hope I can get the last update done before the comp is over lol.

I may have some pineapples growing on these things by the end of it...
Got really aggressive with the girl’s. Typically I just do light defoliation...

Sativa w heavy defoliation to help mitigate PM

:eek1: - wooooo! Going Brazilian and beyond my man! :hump:
weed wacker.gif
:rofl: ... Nice work on them, they needed it for sure! I'm with Missy here, really liking that Jam'-Berry sati' girl, interesting cross,... Who's her breeder?
....ah, that's right I remember, Gorilla x3... You are gonna just die trimming them, the resin even on live bud is ridiculous, very names-sake gluey! The Gorilla Breath last year was beating,...but worth it! :dizzy:

Don't jinx us! If I have any you-know-what problems, you better be couriering me at least a branch each of your lovely ladies....

Kinda getting me worried, you people... I can't check my girls every day!
But kinda not worried, as I have confidence in LBH's breeding, and it takes far, far, far worse weather here than I have now for you-know-what...
:crying: c'mon luv, say it,.. just say it.... mmm, mmuhh,..mmmuhhho -ld,...muh-hollld...:rofl:

:greenthumb: The girls are looking great, saying "what typhoon?" .... good on the feeds, slip them snacks every chance you get!
--- geez, the Thai is at 11 weeks bloom and she's still got her feet on the lazy seat :doh: ... maybe she's very Thai dom'? She eats more heartily than most it seems,...
JHa is cooking up some goods!
@Waira Update on the Dinafem Blue Widow. Looking good im on cruise control at the moment outdoors feeding once a week with liquid kelp molasses, fox farm liquid big bloom and organic liquid fish. I top dressed this week with Dr Earth Natural wonder Fruit Tree fertilizer with TruBiotics and Mycorrhizae. All of the girls are in some stage of flower now outdoors and looking good. The Blue Widow is a pretty good size plant for the grow season Ive had.