Completed The Outdoor Auto/Photo Competition 2020 and Winner Announcements

Update pics incoming :smoking: I think I'm on week 17 for the comp girls and 16 for the non comp daiquiri lime. Couldn't be happier at the moment, had a light touch of mould last week and the ultimates aren't as densly formed as I'd of hoped as in previous years. But the daquari limes are killing it. Rock hard and dense. The non comp had a very slight touch of mould mid week but I risked it and cut just the mould and observed, so far I've yet to see more. The comp daiquiri limes main cola is looking close to ready in the scope, plenty of cloudiness going On, I'd like a little longer but daren't risk losing it so will probably take that in the next day or two and let the rest go. Also maybe some selected buds from around the ultimates as they're also close with some a little further behind.

:drool::woohoo1: DaaAAaaaamn! They all blew up super well Q', this is an excellent run- :d5: .... resin galore, solid fat buds, I can only dream of the smells, talk those aroma up!
Roger that on the Daq' Lime as official entry - :thumbsup: .... As far as Comp pics go, either one is a total contender, whole plant isn't a factor, so be ready to snap your best final live shot however you like her, trimmed, unshaved... It's amazing the difference some night/flash pics can do vs. day shots!
I hear you on the fekkin' mold! *( :yoinks: pardon @Shiva's Mistress I used the "m" word!) :rofl:.... As we know, botrytis works from inside out usually, by the time you see it, you're fooked! Staged cuts are wise- :greenthumb:.... mate the dry porn shots are going to be phaaaaaat :pimp:!
awesome pic's mate, can you give me a close-up of the venus fly trap and whats the one to the right,
View attachment 1220957 yaaaa boiii-- That's a damn fun bowl o' death! I'm too lazy to dig up my Savage Garden book (Peter D'Amato; a must have Drew), could you tell me the species in there? There's a lot of hybrids these days as well! ...the Sundews are something I want to get, both the spoon leaf and multi-fulcrate types... There are some killer 'Traps too that are solid deep red (California Carnivores .com is his website/nursery)...:thumbsup:
I like the form of the little pitchers too.... :thanks: Cheers Drew'!
Thanks guys!

Not sure exactly which one you mean Mustang, if you mean the sundew thats D. binata with the forked leaves. The other plant you might mean is the low growing pitcher plant which is S. purpurea purpurea.

Never read that one myself but Ive seen it referenced a ton! Ive watched many videos and tours of the cali carnivores nursery and am super jealous. The only real nursery that sold carnivorous plants around me shut down about a year ago. About 6-8 years ago I was crazy into CPs, had a full 6x6 tent in my basement full of mostly Nepenthes and Pinguiculas but I moved I gave away the majority and only kept a few. Unfortunately life got too busy I neglected em for a good part of a year and lost the majority of what I brought with me. Moving again soon here in August and will have a lot more room so hope to get back into them again. Also had a few different sundews too but I didnt quite take to them like the Neps and Pings lol.

Heres a little gallery taken from today for you guys, with a plant list at the bottom.

I also dug up an old video from 2013 of my CP tent. Wish Id taken a video before I gave them away but of course didnt think about it then. If you have any questions about the plants in the video I can probably still name about half of them and have a list somewhere of everything I used to grow. Enjoy!

I hear you on the fekkin' mold! *( :yoinks: pardon @Shiva's Mistress I used the "m" word!) :rofl:.... !

Don't jinx us! If I have any you-know-what problems, you better be couriering me at least a branch each of your lovely ladies....

Kinda getting me worried, you people... I can't check my girls every day!
But kinda not worried, as I have confidence in LBH's breeding, and it takes far, far, far worse weather here than I have now for you-know-what...
nice :thumbsup: that rock with the moss and shit on it, is pretty neat
When I was young and in my 4th year of my 3year college course I was always looking for ways to make extra money. I had to move to city from the country and noticed every gas station sells fire wood in city, i had access to tons of fire wood so every time i went home to steal food and get my laundry done i'd bring back load of wood to sell to gas stations. That made me gas money and beer money but then we decide to move on to landscaping rocks. I live up in norhtern ontario where in the ice age a glacier lake pushed up to and form some escarpment cliff face in a horseshoe shape. When I snowmobiled I noticed the hydro poles had this 1000's year old rock with nice fossils and beautiful moss piled around it. note: once you move the rocks the moss will die but for a month it looks awesome. So we would bring a pick up load of rocks back everytime and try and sell them. Went to landscape companies to try and sell it, their rock look like crap compared to are stuff but they got pissed for some reason and won't buy it. We then decided to go drive through the subdivision and sell it areselves. If we saw the wife out landscaping it was a gauraunteed sale 99% of time and, if husband was with her he'd have to say yes and worst thing he'd demand we put them where she wanted them. It was huge moneyz and if it had moss on it we could charge even more.
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nice :thumbsup: that rock with the moss and shit on it, is pretty neat
Thanks! Ya that one worked out really well surprisingly lol. Those are mexican butterworts (pinguicula) growing on tufa rock. Its a really porous limestone rock that absorbs a ton of water, pretty cool!
Got really aggressive with the girl’s. Typically I just do light defoliation...

Sativa w heavy defoliation to help mitigate PM

Gorilla 1 heavy defoliation similar to lollipoping but with twist crack super-cropping since this one has been pretty vigorous and getting ready to go full bloom.

Gorilla number 2 light defoil like I typically like to do.

Gorilla number 3 has been slower than the first two and decided to do a heavy defoil and bend crack supper-cropping
@MasonJarOG -- what is that first sativa plant?
Looks like what we grow where I was in high school.
Long, long stretch and colas with lots of little bud-lets.
Got some serious height on her, past 3 m already, up to 4 m?
@MasonJarOG -- what is that first sativa plant?
Looks like what we grow where I was in high school.
Long, long stretch and colas with lots of little bud-lets.
Got some serious height on her, past 3 m already, up to 4 m?
It’s a Sativa Jamaica Berry super auto. Pretty much 4m and heavily thinned out. It runs about like a photo but starts flowering earlier like an auto so you get lots of long Sativa colas. It’s probably got about 30 days left to fatten up. The others are Dinafem Gorilla photos.
It’s a Sativa Jamaica Berry super auto. Pretty much 4m and heavily thinned out. It runs about like a photo but starts flowering earlier like an auto so you get lots of long Sativa colas. It’s probably got about 30 days left to fatten up. The others are Dinafem Gorilla photos.

Nice, it's an impressive plant.
Not these modern heavy indica colas, but she's got size!
Nice comparison with the Dinafem Gorillas.
update Shiva 8/8
La Buena Hierba Selection

After the typhoon, apart from checking on them to see if they had fallen over (no problems there),
I didn't water at the time because they had received maybe 4" = 100mm of rain.
Four days of pretty good weather, lots of sun, a little cloud, I thought they may be wilting and thirsty.
They weren't wilting when I got there, so I think that they are slowly drinking less now.
Either that or the typhoon soaking really held them over for a while.

I brought in some of the Peters 5-11-26, possibly a little too strong, and added to 1.5 liters of water.
Gave them a drink, but not a lot, because I want to keep them slightly drier,
better for flowering, and also help lower water levels and RH.
Also, some rain maybe tomorrow and Sunday as well.

Hope my Peters mix isn't too strong, but they could do with some PK in particular at this point.
Hopefully the rain will dilute it down a bit.
Maybe some curling leaves coming up ... will try to water again fresh water soon.

Day 101 (Flowering Day 74) La Buena Hierba: Thai Gold Photo

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I just continue to remove some of the smaller, very pale yellow leaves.
Some are not just yellow, but dried up, which I definitely remove to avoid any dead plant matter still on the stem.

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Can still see the fresh white pistils, even though she is hitting 11 weeks since first sign of flowers.
LBH site says 9 weeks, but this is a Thai Landrace X Guerilla Gold.
GG is about 8 weeks, the Thai could easily be 15, so a straight hybrid I think 11 weeks is no problem.
I'm just going to let her go, because she's still bulking and has enough green in her to keep building too.

Day 72 (Flowering Day 35) La Buena Hierba: Jack Herer Auto

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Lady Jacqui still building as well.
She has a few yellowing leaves, but still not as much as Miss Thailand.
Her colas are getting thick, and the node spacing is filling in with flower.

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But you can see, still lots of fresh white pistils, and she's still got a lot more weight to put on!

Should get some solid buds out of these two plants.
They are not big plants, in fairly small pots, less than 2 gal, but the sun is doing its magic!

Love and hugs,