Lighting The House of Vorkosigan

@Itisi Ahhh so I need to wrap my tent in blankets or summa that?

Blankets are a lot of weight for little insulation, probably want to stay clear of them, that make a lovely home for bugs too (not suggesting your blankets would have these of course!) the work out mats you mentioned at the beginning would be good, some duct tape to seal the edges.

If you can get polystyrene sheets, like they use in packing around appliances, you'd be golden.
Another week has passed and I must add more to the adventure of my third grow ever...

11Dec - Transplanted all kids into 3 gallon fabric pots filled with moist coco. Dusted the holes with Roots Organics Oregonism XL. Mixed feed 59oz of water - 1/2mL of Mammoth P. 2.5mL Medusa Magic and Hygea Hydration. 3mL Herculean Harvest. 1mL Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Athena's Aminas, Demeter's Destiny, Aphrodite's Extraction, & Kraken. pH 5.9, ppm 380. Added 1/2mL Olympus Up pH 6.3 ppm 400. Fed 120mL to each kid. Mixed up Foliar spray 1qt water - 1/4tsp Hygea Hydration, 1tsp Poseidonzime and Bloom Khaos, pH 6.3, ppm 1160. Kids received 3 spritzes.
12Dec - Fed 120mL & spritzed 3 times.
13Dec - Fed 120mL & spritzed 4 times. Noticed Sierra was drooping.
14Dec - Flushed Sierra with 1 gallon plain water in the morning as the drooping got worse. She was the last transplanted and got the bottom of the soil bag (smelled a little off but I still used it). Dumped the water after the drainage. Mixed up more feed 59oz water - 1/2mL Mammoth P. 2.5mL Medusa Magic & Hygea Hydration. 4mL Herculean Harvest. 1mL Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Athena's Aminas, Demeter's Destiny, Aphrodite's Extraction, & Kraken. pH 6.1, ppm 390. Blanca, Mona, & Jewel were fed 240mL & spritzed 4 times.
15Dec - Blanca, Mona, & Jewel were fed 480mL and spritzed 5 times. Sierra was spritzed 5 times and flushed according to nutrient line's suggestion of 1 gallon of water and 1 Tbsp of Herculean Harvest. Sierra is now waiting to dry out before receiving an actual feeding.
16Dec - Mixed 1 gallon of water and 1/2 strength nutes - 1mL Mammoth P. 5mL Medusa Magic, Herculean Harvest, and Hygea Hydration. 2.5mL Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Athena's Aminas, Demeter's Destiny, Aphrodite's Extraction, & Kraken. pH 6.4, ppm 360. Blanca, Mona, & Jewel fed 8oz & spritzed 5 times. Sierra spritzed 5 times. Blanca is 23 days, Sierra & Jewel are 21 days, & Mona is 15 days old, all look to be at least 10 days behind what I would consider a "normal" autoflower under optimal conditions.
If Sierra doesn't perk up by Sunday I'll cull and plant another.

Jewel IMG_4536.jpg IMG_4537.jpg
Blanca IMG_4538.jpg IMG_4539.jpg
Mona IMG_4540.jpg IMG_4542.jpg
Poor poor Sierra IMG_4544.jpg IMG_4545.jpg
Tent temps and humidity seem to be stable. Still need to insulate the fecker. IMG_4546.jpg

P.S. I may have a seed-buying problem. I already have 260 to grow but I picked up some Moonstone Amnesia, Blue Jade, & Semi Auto Mix from the Autoflower Portal Giftshop. As soon as Mephisto's site gets back up I'm picking up a Pick-N-Mix of all their Green Crack/Cush lines because the wife wants to be crack-a-lackin.
what heater are you using to heat your tent I'm running a 1200 watt oil heater keeps my tent at 77 f lights on and 72f lights off also your ph in coco should be around 5.7 to 6.0 in veg and 5.8 to 6.2 in bloom :pass:
Heat source in the tent - my light with cobs and veg lights on (not UVB) & a heat lamp over the open container of water to lift the humidity.

I haven't pH'd the coco yet, I'll do that this afternoon when I check the kids again. Sierra's batch smelled a bit of a ammonia that's why I flushed, I have 14 more Stone Dragon seeds so if I need to cull it I can...just attempting everything I can before culling.
Stone said to cull the Stone Dragon because it should have improved by now. I'm going to hum Taps as I dump the plant & Coco in the worm bin. Already have a Hydra in a paper towel for replace.
Quick update lacking normal details as I have to get on with baking or running off to see the vampires (American Red Cross, feckers love my blood).

Blanca & Jewel both showed female early in the week. Sierra must've heard I was going to cull her because she began recovering from the bad transplant. I dropped a Hydra, it is up and rocking in the seedling corner & named Helga. I removed the first finger leaves and cotyledons from Blanca & Jewel yesterday. Today I FIM'd Blanca & Jewel...& Sierra turned out to be a Scott so into the worm bin it went. If Mona turns out to be male I will figure out a way to keep it for pollen harvesting.

Struck up a deal with a therapist I'm seeing. I need to see this person for 12-16 sessions and it would normally cost $50/session. They're very interested in growing for themselves & we discussed growing. In exchange for my helping them with their growing (I'll provide seeds & as much information as I can) I will receive the services I need. They want to grow for salve as they can't inhale/eat the product because they'll be stoned for days on end. Total win-win and easy for me as I have so many wonderful Portal Strains to share.

Family photo in-tent IMG_4576.JPG
Blanca IMG_4577.JPG The spots not the fans are from the foliar feed of last week IMG_4579.JPG
Jewel IMG_4580.JPG IMG_4581.jpg
Mona IMG_4582.JPG IMG_4583.JPG
Sierra now Scott was recovering but now it's in the worm bin IMG_4584.jpg IMG_4585.jpg IMG_4586.jpg
Helga the little Hydra IMG_4588.jpg
I bought 4 inch building insulation to do one of mine.
I'm in a tent for the first time ever and dealing with the same thing. Crazy a 70pint dehumidifier is filled in 40 hours in a 5x5 tent. Outside is 40 and tent is 70. It's temporary so I did add some movers blankets which I already had. Foam is to expensive for a temporary setup. Better than extreme heat
I rigged foam gym mats & yoga mats around the tent. It's not completely covered but the thing has been 58-67% and temps have been 70-77F. This grow has been an interesting adventure & learning experience.