Lighting The House of Vorkosigan

@Itisi Ah well, I have Yankee-speaking autocorrect. Thanks for the kind words. They are all stunted due to environmental issues but I'll take what I can get.
The uk spell check doesn't like it either!

I've had a few pleasant surprises from stunted plants, I messed a polar lights up, start to finish, I'm thinking it may have even been the first thrip hotel in my tent. I thought about pulling her a few times, I thought she'd give a max of 2 or 3 oz and she produced 6 or 7.

it is isn't it?
I put a ceramic space heater in the tent last night, away from plants & tent walls with my intake fan blowing across it. I had to add heat because the exhaust fan is removing the humidity for my flowering girls but pulling in the freezing air from the garage. Went to check on the plants this AM & the heater shorted out the plug strip so I had to grab a new strip & distribute electric plugs all over. I don't know when the short happened but the only thing that was running when I went in was the exhaust fan *commence the freak out*.
After redistributing electric plugs I stayed with the babes for 30mins to make sure humidity was dropping and temps increasing.
IMG_4665.JPG So they were at 37F & 81% when I first got in there. When I left they were at 54% and 55F. I will check on them again in a few hours when I get home.
Fecking babes have been through the wringer this round.
I put a ceramic space heater in the tent last night, away from plants & tent walls with my intake fan blowing across it. I had to add heat because the exhaust fan is removing the humidity for my flowering girls but pulling in the freezing air from the garage. Went to check on the plants this AM & the heater shorted out the plug strip so I had to grab a new strip & distribute electric plugs all over. I don't know when the short happened but the only thing that was running when I went in was the exhaust fan *commence the freak out*.
After redistributing electric plugs I stayed with the babes for 30mins to make sure humidity was dropping and temps increasing.
View attachment 685773 So they were at 37F & 81% when I first got in there. When I left they were at 54% and 55F. I will check on them again in a few hours when I get home.
Fecking babes have been through the wringer this round.

Bet you'll get some lively colours. Stress can trigger resin production. One of mine had an altercation with the loft hatch earlier.
Happy Friday everyone!

10Jan - Mixed Early Flowering nutes for Blanca, Jewel, & Mike - 1 gal water, 1.5mL Mammoth P, 1/4tsp MaxiCrop 0-0-17. 10mL Medusa magic, Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Demeter's Destiny, Aphrodite's Extraction, Posoidenzyme, & Kraken. 15mL Athena's Aminas, Mega Morpheus, Hygea Hydration, & Titan's Trawl. 30mL Herculean Harvest. 8mL Olympus Up. PPM 1280 pH 6.2. Blanca & Mike received 2c, Jewel received 3c. Helga fed 1.5c of her mix
11Jan - Blanca & Mike fed 2c. Jewel fed 4c. Helga fed 1.5c of her mix.
12Jan - Early flowering mixed without MaxiCrop but introduced 5mL of Bloom Khaos and upped Herculean Harvest to 40mL. Required about 20mL of Olympus Up to bring pH to 6.2. Blanca & Mike fed 2c. Jewel fed 4c.
Helga now up to Mid-Veg nutes. 59oz water, .5mL Mammoth P. 4.5mL Medusa Magic, Gaia Mania, Herculean Harvest, Athena's Aminas, Hygea Hydration. 2.5mL Zeus Juice, Demeter's Destiny, Aphrodite's Extraction, Kraken. 2mL Olympus Up PPM 700 pH 6.3. Fed 1.5c
13Jan - Blanca fed 3c, Jewel fed 6c, Mike fed 2c, Helga fed 2c. Mike opened 4 sacs so I removed him from the tent. He is now chilling under a blurple ufo LED with a paper plate below to collect any pollen that opens while the rest of his sacs open. I may have a few seeds from Blanca & Jewel.

The tent without Mike. My wife had me move her orchid in with my babes to see if it'll be happier since it's cold in the house with little sunshine thanks to winter. IMG_4666.jpg
Helga ready to take off. IMG_4667.jpg IMG_4668.JPG IMG_4669.JPG
Blanca the leafy bush. IMG_4670.jpg IMG_4671.JPG
Jewel is starting to get frosty! IMG_4672.JPG IMG_4673.JPG
I rearranged Jewel some to open her up a bit more IMG_4674.jpg
Frost starting on top IMG_4675.jpg
One of the side colas. IMG_4676.jpg
I rearranged Blanca and removed bud sites that would remain larf since she's so damn leafy. I defoliated some as well.IMG_4677.jpg IMG_4678.jpg

Our two lop-eared rabbits are addicted to the trimmings and get so excited when I bring them fresh leaves.
It's Friday, woohoo...the 13-year-old brought home the flu demon so I have razor blades in my throat (major dislike).

14Jan - Mid Flowering mix for Blanca, Jewel, & Mike - 1gal of water, 2.5mL Mammoth P. 10mL of Medusa Magic, Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Demeter's Destiny, Poseidonzyme, Kraken. 15mL Titan's Trawl, Hygea Hydration, Aphrodite's Extraction, Bloom Khaos. 30mL Athena's Aminas and Mega Morpheus. 60mL Herculean Harvest. 30mL Olympus Up. PPM 1680 pH 6.4. Fed Mike 2c, split the rest of the gallon between Blanca & Jewel. Helga fed 2c of her mix.
15Jan - Mixed up Mid Flowering with 40mL of Olympus Up. PPM 1625 pH 6.5. Split the gallon between Blanca & Jewel. Helga fed 2c of her mix.
16Jan - Calibrated my PPM pen & mixed up Mid Flowering plus 50mL Olympus Up. PPM 1740 pH 6.9. Split the gallon between Blanca & Jewel after feeding Mike 2c. Helga fed 2c of her feed.
17Jan - Mixed up Mid Flowering and the stuff was way off after adding 1/4tsp of MaxiCrop 0-0-17, pH pen was reading 8.8. Split the gallon between Blanca & Jewel. Mixed Mid Veg for Helga - 59oz water, .5mL Mammoth P. 4.6mL Medusa Magic, Gaia Mania, Herculean Harvest, Athena's Aminas, Hygea Hydration. 2.3mL Zeus Juice, Demeter's Destiny, Aphrodite's Extraction, Kraken. 2mL Olympus Up. Fed 2c.
18Jan - Gave Blanca & Jewel a split gallon of plain water in case my pH pen was not wrong on pH the previous feed. Helga fed 2c.
19Jan - Replaced battery in pH pen, discovered my Hades Down had gone super bad & turned alkaline (phucker). Had to mix the nutes twice for Blanca & Jewel but the second time was good with 30mL Olympus Up and pH 6.7. Mike received 2c, Blanca & Jewel split the gallon. Helga fed 2c.
20Jan - Fed Helga the last 2c of her mix, she just showed sex today (day 28). Haven't mixed up the feed for Blanca & Jewel.

Helga, just been tucking leaves. IMG_4721.jpg IMG_4722.jpg
Her lower branches are really growing quickly! IMG_4752.jpg
Group shot IMG_4723.JPG
Blanca my chunky stout girl. IMG_4724.jpg IMG_4725.jpg IMG_4726.jpg IMG_4727.jpg
Look at the size of that calyx on a lower bud! IMG_4728.jpg
Twin peaks IMG_4729.JPG IMG_4730.JPG
Jewel looking like she didn't like the strength of nutes. IMG_4731.JPG Putting on the frost IMG_4732.jpg
Bud all over the place! IMG_4733.JPG IMG_4734.JPG
Going to start the macro shots now that we have frost...

Jewel's top cola IMG_4737.jpg IMG_4739.jpg
A side cola IMG_4741.jpg IMG_4743.jpg IMG_4744.jpg she is already showing cloudy but has white pistils everywhere!
Blanca up top IMG_4746.jpg And a side cola IMG_4747.jpg IMG_4749.jpg IMG_4750.jpg she is obviously behind Jewel in development.
Can't forget Mike the Mumbling Dragon, one of the last of his kind. He has survived 40F temps, not getting fed for a few days, and now living in a cold room under a blurple UFO. I feel like he's earned the right to have his genetics passed on...just not this round!

He has color IMG_4754.jpg IMG_4755.jpg
He's branchy after a bit of leaf-tucking IMG_4756.JPG IMG_4757.JPG
Some macros of his top IMG_4759.jpg IMG_4762.jpg IMG_4763.jpg IMG_4764.jpg
hey thanks for your tips @Vorkosigan ! looking real good in your tent :pass: lol ill be following along. and very nice on the documenting! really dig it. i hope my grow and doc goes near as well as yours. pretty stoked i stumbled on meph and this forum!
Welcome @ashton, thank you for the kind words. Blanca, Jewel, & Mike have been through some hell and are still kicking like crazy. Helga has had it easy because I was able to fix things while she's young.

New update will be coming soon with loads of macro shots.