Lighting The House of Vorkosigan

LOL Nope, been home in Oregon for a year now. I was previously stationed in Hawaii with the Navy. I started my first grow back in February & now on my third grow after a short hiatus.

The babies look like they need some nutes which is good because their first feed is scheduled for when they dry out this weekend.
Very nice, I'm following! [emoji106]

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It's per property. My missus gets most of the oil to battle her insomnia, always making canna-caps LOL.
I don't know what medical growers can currently have as far as plants & material go...they used to be able to have 12 plants.

Can't she get medical for the insomnia?

12 plants, wow.
Ok so I'm pulling up a chair - uninvited party crasher but no worries, I brought my own chair. I have to agree with @witchyhour and @Vlad The Inhaler and say they are looking a little leggy. Might want to add a little silica to the next feed.

I'll watch this through gritted teeth. Bloody Americans and their legal weed! bah! You here me? BAH!
Good luck matey, don't think you'll need luck, you got it set to 11.

Not ALL us bloody americans have legal - don't even have medicinal where I live. Should be legal worldwide eh @Itisi
Ok so I'm pulling up a chair - uninvited party crasher but no worries, I brought my own chair. I have to agree with @witchyhour and @Vlad The Inhaler and say they are looking a little leggy. Might want to add a little silica to the next feed.

Not ALL us bloody americans have legal - don't even have medicinal where I live. Should be legal worldwide eh @Itisi

It's always been legal in my house!
@Itisi I could probably get medical for generalized anxiety and use my military veteran status to seal the deal. I just don't think I have it in me to grow that many plants at a time. This is my first grow with four plants, I overlapped my first two grows of one plant each & was okay with it.
@Duckster They just received their first nute feeding yesterday. I may have waited too long to start as they look plucky, deficiency coloring. If Blanca & Jewel don't recover I'll have to re-drop beans. Sierra is powering through the deficiency look and showing growth progress. Mona is still under her humid dome & a happy little seedling. This is only my third grow and second in Coco so definitely learning and working on dialing in.
Thanks for joining the party, the more the merrier.
It's always been legal in my house!

Always been legal at my house too. But there are tossers in the world that seem to think that my house falls under their jurisdiction.

@Itisi I could probably get medical for generalized anxiety and use my military veteran status to seal the deal. I just don't think I have it in me to grow that many plants at a time. This is my first grow with four plants, I overlapped my first two grows of one plant each & was okay with it.
@Duckster They just received their first nute feeding yesterday. I may have waited too long to start as they look plucky, deficiency coloring. If Blanca & Jewel don't recover I'll have to re-drop beans. Sierra is powering through the deficiency look and showing growth progress. Mona is still under her humid dome & a happy little seedling. This is only my third grow and second in Coco so definitely learning and working on dialing in.
Thanks for joining the party, the more the merrier.

Give them a couple of days - they may perk back up. Hate the see the little ones fall by the wayside. Thought that you might get away with giving them a bit of silica or maybe staking them for support. How long have you been using your Amare light?
This is my second grow with it, first exclusive use from seed. My Mephisto Mystery was super stretchy due to sharing the light with a photoperiod so she had a CFL above her for awhile. If push comes to shove I can trade the heat lamp bulb (faces away from plants & at a bucket of water to up humidity in tent) for a CFL bulb. They're all still around 2.5" & Sierra is the only one really past the first finger leaflets.
This week has been a battle of temperature and humidity stabilization out in the tent!

4Dec - 1st feeding for Blanca, Sierra, & Jewel. 1lt of water mixed with nutes at 1/2 strength - .25mL of Mammoth P. 2mL Medusa Magic & Hygea Hydration. 1mL of Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Herculean Harvest, Athena's Aminas, Demeter's Destiny, & Aphrodite's Extraction. Fed 120mL to run-off. Mona still receiving seedling feeding of spritizing with water mixed with Poseidonzime. Added large bucket of water to tent to try and increase humidity, average around 25% relative humidity. Moved light down and turned on cobs.
6Dec - Sierra & Mona have second leave sets, Blanca & Jewel are barely showing second leaves. All but Mona are lime green & showing stress issues. Changed light schedule to 24/0 due to night temperatures dropping to 55F, too low for metabolic processes (I am a firm believer in giving plants a night period for increased respiration but the temps are so low the plants couldn't respire so I would rather have less-effective metabolic processes than no metabolic processes and dead plants). Despite the stress Sierra was praying hard. Blanca, Sierra, & Jewel all received 120mL of feed to run-off.
7Dec - Removed Mona's humid dome. Added seedling heat mat under all girls to increase bottom heat & relative heat in the tent. Added another 2 gallons of water (in milk jugs) to tent to attempt to increase humidity.
8Dec - Marked improvement in Blanca, Sierra, & Jewel with feedings & 24/0 light. All babies received 120mL of feed to run-off. Mona looked a bit peckish so she received her first feeding.
9Dec - Sierra is currently leading in growth at 3" tall & looking to sport her third leaf set. Blanca is 3" but still happy with the second leaf set. Jewel is 2.5" and still on second leaf set. Mona comes in at 1.5" and trying to bust out the second leaf set. Sierra is droopy, possibly too much water in the bottom of the catch-cup. Drained all catch-cups. Light is 21" away from canopy.

Family photo IMG_4508.jpg
Sierra is a little droopy but killing the growing game in the tent LOL IMG_4510.jpg
Blanca has a bit of color on the base of her leaves. IMG_4511.jpg
Mona is sporting color but it will probably turn green once she absorbs her nutes. IMG_4512.jpg
Jewel had the most fried finger leaves of the group IMG_4513.jpg
Another family shot IMG_4514.jpg
This is how I'm battling low humidity - heat lamp points at open bucket of water to heat the surface, fan rotates to cool the water and increase relative humidity. IMG_4515.jpg
The jug on the heat mat is for next feed mix. IMG_4516.jpg
The 52F & 23% were from me checking the garage range for ten minutes while I talked to the girls. IMG_4517.jpg