Thanks Rebel. Now, I will be nicer to the tall flowerless lady.: I believe you are a week ahead of me. Even the intra-strain genetic are apparent. One KVS flowering and the other is flowerless. My first grow with two of the same strain. The White W. is weeks and weeks ahead of the others four strains--but, it stopped vertical growth after a few weeks.
I'm sure your right Rebel but I think Alan might be onto something. What if the coco is holding onto the veg nutrients a bit longer then other soil or soilless products. Couldn't we simply conduct a test to find out. Say stop feeding one plant at week 4 and do a week of water. Theoretically speaking during that seven days the veg nutrient solids should break down and the plant should then be ready for the switch. Do that side by side with one just fliped at say week five. I'm just throwing that out there but I have noticed nothing of mine finishes under 80 days.
Well I use a mix of coco/soil and TLO soil..I grew 3 Blood dragons .1 in coco/soil other inOF the
OF is still in veg and the coco is nearly done lol so im guessing its 80% luck of the draw and stable genetics. Hitting with bloom doesnt seem to hurt production once it reaches the height you want.Im sure we have all had ladies we though would not get tall then out shoot the tallest thing in the tent..So im guessing lots of testing is needed on the issue.with only 6 or 7 years of real cultivation autos have a long way to go but gaining ground fast.
Rebel. I have three 2 gl. plastic, two 2 gl. fabric pots and one 1 gl. fabric.
Indeed, they do like water/nutes. Impressive stuff = coco.
Thursday photo--View attachment 256334
i have dinafem cheese thats doing just what Alan is saying ..Rebel and other coco growers.
Do you think coco as medium increases veg time in some strains. And/or possibly slows flowering in some strains.
I have one plant that came out flowering quickly. It hit its height mark and then flowered vigorously. And it shows sativa characteristics (White W.). All the others are heavy Indica and still want to grow vertically with modest flowering at six weeks.
i have dinafem cheese thats doing just what Alan is saying ..
..i hope so for you ...:High 5:..let us noBeen away from this thread, but I bumped into it... Absolutely! My AWW and TD diary were a "test" in delaying veg time for increased yield. The chop will be next Wednesday and I an hoping it to be a handsome reward