Does calmag count towards your target PPM or EC in distilled or RO water?

Well, I'm NOT coco, I'm pure hydro. But there are strong parallels. As to foliar, my main objection to that is that you have waited until there is a problem before taking action. I prefer to prevent the problem in the first place. And, cal-mag is a huge help in maintaining a balanced pH in your plant's root zone, so I think it needs to be present in almost every feed cycle. Including those with base nutes.
Have you ever wondered about Advanced Nutrients' claims that their product automatically balances any pH? Well, it's not magic, they just include a healthy dose of calcium & magnesium which acts as buffering to a plant's pH. Secondarily, it's very difficult to add too much calcium, and to a lesser extent magnesium, so over-dosing is not a problem with these minerals. Silicates? They form about 90% of the earth's crust, making them the most common element on the planet. At my dosage recommendations it will be next to impossible to develop an excess in your grow mediums (if at ANY dosage level, for that matter). My only though countering that would be that the calcium, magnesium & silica present in these additives are derived from compounds that do include fertilizer salts, so you can't entirely ignore their effect on ppm / EC.
I do not believe coco will hold more minerals than needed, especially if you do no over-dose, and especially if you regularly flush. By flush, I mean one feeding is all nutes, a second feeding is pH water with molasses. Many dirt farmers add a third feeding of just pH balanced water, but I feel the water - molasses method is better. The molasses encourages and maintains microbial activity that is healthy for plants in their root zone. I can't use molasses anymore since I'm hydro, but I do use Flora Nectar, which is also a carbohydrate that has many / most of the same advantages. For coco, I feel use of molasses is even better.
I add 2mL of Armor Si and 4 mL of Cal Mag, and a full nute regimen to my reservoir when filling. Every time I top off, I add same dosage. My nute strength formulas reduce over time. But for the most part, if it goes into my reservoir, it includes both. If I find PPM's in my reservoir climbing beyond my prescribed strengths, I may add an RO-only water top-off at a ratio to bring ppm's back into my prescribed ranges. You can kind of accomplish the same thing by monitoring the ppm / EC of your runoff, and tracking over the grow period. If you encounter climbing PPM's over a grow cycle, omit the Si - Cal - Mag for a cycle or two. If nutes are going in, it's going to include all three. Only water? still includes all unless ppm's are climbing.
Quality pre-buffered coco will lose its effectiveness over time. The dosages I recommend, combined with flush, should never result in a buildup to problematic levels.

One of these days I might accidentally answer a question with a simple 1-yes 2-no 3-maybe 4- but not on Friday. But if i do, you better send someone to check on me. Otherwise, I think I answered all your follow ups, some more than once. But if I missed, feel free to reach back.
I'm going to bed now.
Is foliar feeding of Ca and Mg OK if done prophylactically, to prevent deficiency? It seems foliar Ca/Mg has no place in your approach.

Do you presume no base nutes provide sufficient Ca and Mg? Should even high quality, highly chelated nutes with instructions not citing cal-mag addition and containing a "healthy dose of calcium & magnesium," such as Adv. Nutr. pH Perfect base nutes, used with a well-balanced/buffered medium (coco, soil, etc.) be further supplemented essentially every feed with cal-mag?

Are additional (beyond base nutes) Ca and Mg needed with nearly every feed for "a balanced pH in your plant's root zone?" [So you add cal-mag for the sake of the medium, not the needs of the plant?]. If additional Ca/Mg are needed, why do many (or even most?) base nutrient manufacturers, including many also selling cal-mag (such as Adv. Nutr.), avoid recommending regular cal-mag addition? If you were using good quality manufacturer-buffered coco (vs. pure hydro), would you still be adding all that cal-mag?

I recall recently in another thread there was consensus that supplementing most every feed with cal-mag is contraindicated, best avoided, particularly if using well-buffered coco to start and base nutrients that do not recommend/need it; that it should be added like other supplements, when it is known to be needed (such as history with nutes being used), is visibly needed, a deficiency may be developing, or maybe add prophylactically 1-2x during a grow. And I recall recent discussion where MegaCrop users generally agreed regular supplementation with cal-mag was not needed. For ex., I and others using MegaCrop essentially never add cal-mag to the feed water throughout a grow and prefer foliar feeding if needed for prevention or treatment. Are we not growing optimally, should we be supplementing with cal-mag with essentially every feed?

You cite being fully hydro using a reservoir, while most growers, like myself, manually feed solid media (soil, coco, etc.) periodically in real-time. Has this influenced your approach to cal-mag supplementation? If you didn't need reservoir-associated long term pH stabilization, would cal-mag still be used with essentially every feed?
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Is foliar feeding of Ca and Mg OK if done prophylactically, to prevent deficiency? It seems foliar Ca/Mg has no place in your approach.

Do you presume no base nutes provide sufficient Ca and Mg? Should even high quality, highly chelated nutes with instructions not citing cal-mag addition and containing a "healthy dose of calcium & magnesium," such as Adv. Nutr. pH Perfect base nutes, used with a well-balanced/buffered medium (coco, soil, etc.) be further supplemented essentially every feed with cal-mag?

Are additional (beyond base nutes) Ca and Mg needed with nearly every feed for "a balanced pH in your plant's root zone?" [So you add cal-mag for the sake of the medium, not the needs of the plant?]. If additional Ca/Mg are needed, why do many (or even most?) base nutrient manufacturers, including many also selling cal-mag (such as Adv. Nutr.), avoid recommending regular cal-mag addition? If you were using good quality manufacturer-buffered coco (vs. pure hydro), would you still be adding all that cal-mag?

I recall recently in another thread there was consensus that supplementing most every feed with cal-mag is contraindicated, best avoided, particularly if using well-buffered coco to start and base nutrients that do not recommend/need it; that it should be added like other supplements, when it is known to be needed (such as history with nutes being used), is visibly needed, a deficiency may be developing, or maybe add prophylactically 1-2x during a grow. And I recall recent discussion where MegaCrop users generally agreed regular supplementation with cal-mag was not needed. For ex., I and others using MegaCrop essentially never add cal-mag to the feed water throughout a grow and prefer foliar feeding if needed for prevention or treatment. Are we not growing optimally, should we be supplementing with cal-mag with essentially every feed?

You cite being fully hydro using a reservoir, while most growers, like myself, manually feed solid media (soil, coco, etc.) periodically in real-time. Has this influenced your approach to cal-mag supplementation? If you didn't need reservoir-associated long term pH stabilization, would cal-mag still be used with essentially every feed?
While I don't presume NO BASE NUTES provide sufficient needs, I don't really trust many vendors' claims either. Yet your question makes a good point that it is a matter of control for me. I don't like all-in-one solutions as I can't vary the strength, and more importantly ratios of nutrients & minerals to adapt to a plant's changing needs. Compounding this is that minerals & nutrients have same / similar effects on PPM measurements, so just reducing "strength" doesn't allow me the control I want either.
You're right, my hydro methods definitely influence using a steady amount of calcium, magnesium (2mL / gal.) & silicates (1mL/gal.) for each gallon of solution going in my reservoir, in addition to what is in my micronutrients. I've found this is needed in order to keep generally stable pH values through my plant's lifecycle. I supplement to maintain this stability. That's what AN does with their pH Perfect nutrient line - they keep a healthy amount (some believe too much) present in every milliliter of solution to buffer pH, whether hydro, coco or dirt.
Same true for silicates. MegaCrop contains 0.1% Si derived from potassium silicate. I don't know if that is, or is not, the proper amount. The ability for me to individually adjust these amounts rather than relying on an all-inclusive base amount is what has worked best for me.
Thanks for the well stated questions, well received & appreciated!
While I don't presume NO BASE NUTES provide sufficient needs, I don't really trust many vendors' claims either. Yet your question makes a good point that it is a matter of control for me. I don't like all-in-one solutions as I can't vary the strength, and more importantly ratios of nutrients & minerals to adapt to a plant's changing needs. Compounding this is that minerals & nutrients have same / similar effects on PPM measurements, so just reducing "strength" doesn't allow me the control I want either.
You're right, my hydro methods definitely influence using a steady amount of calcium, magnesium (2mL / gal.) & silicates (1mL/gal.) for each gallon of solution going in my reservoir, in addition to what is in my micronutrients. I've found this is needed in order to keep generally stable pH values through my plant's lifecycle. I supplement to maintain this stability. That's what AN does with their pH Perfect nutrient line - they keep a healthy amount (some believe too much) present in every milliliter of solution to buffer pH, whether hydro, coco or dirt.
Same true for silicates. MegaCrop contains 0.1% Si derived from potassium silicate. I don't know if that is, or is not, the proper amount. The ability for me to individually adjust these amounts rather than relying on an all-inclusive base amount is what has worked best for me.
Thanks for the well stated questions, well received & appreciated!
While I don't presume NO BASE NUTES provide sufficient needs, I don't really trust many vendors' claims either. Yet your question makes a good point that it is a matter of control for me. I don't like all-in-one solutions as I can't vary the strength, and more importantly ratios of nutrients & minerals to adapt to a plant's changing needs. Compounding this is that minerals & nutrients have same / similar effects on PPM measurements, so just reducing "strength" doesn't allow me the control I want either.
You're right, my hydro methods definitely influence using a steady amount of calcium, magnesium (2mL / gal.) & silicates (1mL/gal.) for each gallon of solution going in my reservoir, in addition to what is in my micronutrients. I've found this is needed in order to keep generally stable pH values through my plant's lifecycle. I supplement to maintain this stability. That's what AN does with their pH Perfect nutrient line - they keep a healthy amount (some believe too much) present in every milliliter of solution to buffer pH, whether hydro, coco or dirt.
Same true for silicates. MegaCrop contains 0.1% Si derived from potassium silicate. I don't know if that is, or is not, the proper amount. The ability for me to individually adjust these amounts rather than relying on an all-inclusive base amount is what has worked best for me.
Thanks for the well stated questions, well received & appreciated!
Thank you for the information.