Grow Mediums The Coco Home Thread -- Calling ALL Coco Growers!!!

Reb, only the bricks expand. The stuff you have is ready to go. I'm buying some for my next grow! :smokebuds:
Justin I don't think so my friend. Looks as if I can use it straight up so that's what I'll do.

I was interested in Hempys but turned off due to how you can't sow a seed straight in. I don't like that. Even jiffy cubes or whatever... no thanks!

This bag looks awesome... so will this stuff expand as well or no? Do only the bricks expand?

Clean pot pour in job done and no need to look for lumps of wood Rebel the stuffs great your going to love it mate :smokebuds::peace:
Thanks Truu and Dex! You all have really set my mind at ease with this change and steered me to some quality ready to go Coco. I appreciate all your help!!!

Life has been busy, crazy, and at times shitty... but who's isn't right?! As soon as life calms down a bit I'll start a thread right here in our Coco section!

I encourage all you coco nutz to do the same!! Thanks again Buds!! You guys are awesome!!
Justin I don't think so my friend. Looks as if I can use it straight up so that's what I'll do.

I was interested in Hempys but turned off due to how you can't sow a seed straight in. I don't like that. Even jiffy cubes or whatever... no thanks!

This bag looks awesome... so will this stuff expand as well or no? Do only the bricks expand?

Coco hempys let you put your seed right in dude.
I use jiffys when doin 100% perlite hempys, buw with my new coco-hempys i put my seed straight in the coco and 4 of 4 popped within 48hours

I will post pictures on sunday in my coco thread here...will be day 8-9 then...
Can you move my diary to the coco section Rebel :smokebuds::peace:

Mon the CoCo

Dex I don't think I'm authorized to move threads... I'll be on in a few and ask the higher ups. Can't do much of anything but post on my phone. Forum Runner App sucks as its missing plug ins and they won't fix the bugs...
Coco hempys let you put your seed right in dude.
I use jiffys when doin 100% perlite hempys, buw with my new coco-hempys i put my seed straight in the coco and 4 of 4 popped within 48hours

I will post pictures on sunday in my coco thread here...will be day 8-9 then...

Sounds great justin! I think I'll be doing straight coco right now but will try hempys sometime for sure!

Wish I could get Killakill86 in here to start a hempys thread with his next grow. He rocks hempys hardcore and we go way back... I'll have to holler at him bout that...
Sounds great justin! I think I'll be doing straight coco right now but will try hempys sometime for sure!

Wish I could get Killakill86 in here to start a hempys thread with his next grow. He rocks hempys hardcore and we go way back... I'll have to holler at him bout that...

Yeah, do that! Killakill is the guy who really made me make the switch to hempys. Great grower and really helpful.
Yeah, do that! Killakill is the guy who really made me make the switch to hempys. Great grower and really helpful.

I will man! I'll pm him and ask him... He is a great grower! One of the more under rated on AFN if you ask me...

Dex I have put in the request for your thread to be moved to the Coco section... Hopefully it won't take too long for one of them to do it for ya... As an Assisstant I don't have that authority...

Man am I itchin' to start!!! I have to order some 2 gallon bags and I'm good to go! I also have a few 3 gallons I might try... I have read the bigger the pots the better for Coco as it will take less time to dry out... also want to see if I can get bigger results as I feel I get fairly large plants in 1 gallon bags as it is... So I'm so excited to get going with Coco!!! Man, it feels like my first grow! LMAO!

Sounds good reb. You'll get bigger plants in smaller pots. Also smaller pots will help them root faster.