Indoor The Cannadrama Tabernacle: 6 x Amnesia Haze, Aquafarm, Airpot, coco, GH nutrition and 470 W LED

Jan 3, 2015
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I didn't plan to do a journal for the latest malarkey in the Tabernacle Tinker Chamber, but as I'm presently waylaid unscheduled in an IC ward with a gazillion universal time units at my disposal, having researched wot OG in Kushy circles stand for to near perfect boredom and a Sunday afternoon shift of mostly un-oggleworthy nurses that includes a flabbergasting high percentage of male nurses ....... Lets just say the dice was cast.......

Strain : 6 x Amnesia Haze auto, house brand received as freebies

Tent : 120 x 120 x 200 cm

Lights : 2 X Grow Northern HS 1.1 + 2 X Area 51 RW-150 total 470 W actual

Nutrients: General Hydroponics Flora Nova line, Cannazyme, CannaBoost, Great White/Orca Myco, BioGreen CalGel, Diatomaceous Earth(DE) and Neem cake. I never feed to a schedule, just let the plants tell me what they need and I like to push to yellow leaf tips and then back off a wee bit.

Grow Vessels: 1x GH AquaFarm and 1 x 30 l airpot

Medium : Mix of pure Coco and pre-fertilised coco slabs in the Airpot, 4th generation instantly re-used coco in the AquaFarm

All 6 plants from the same batch of seeds, a day training to be a submariner before transferring disgusted to the coco platoon with the official day 1 being 26th January, 2017 AD.

There's 1 plant in the Airpot and 5 in the Aquafarm. On my last run in the AquaFarm, I grew 4 x Think Big and 3 x AH(same strain as this run), aye, no kidding..... Lol.... for a total yield of some 640 g, so that is the target to beat this time around for the AquaFarm.

We'll see..... Enough chatter.... Developments up until yesterday from day 11 when record keeping such as it is began...

DAY 11



Initial light setup

DAY 17

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DAY 19

I just had to check out the secret Jardin Monkey fan...dunno, not too convinced as of yet about it's monkeyness..... Sorry for the orientation issue, will fix once I ain't hospital bound.... I like my phone, but pic editing is still a breeze on an old fashioned computer compared to doing it on the phone.... Alas...


DAY 21

Eagle eyed punters may have spotted the appearance of 4 net pots with cling film on top.... It's Tabernacle Trek.... The Next Haziness... 1 x 2 and 3 x 1.... And this was also the day when I migrated across town for my scheduled internal repair procedure and my wife took over as Chief Executive Gardener for the following 7 days..... How smart a move was that..... Watch and be amazed.... Lol


DAY 28

The next generation is 3 days old..... , and if nothing else, everybody present seen ro have taken a shine to wifie's sashaying and admonishings.... Any and all LST is my deeds while I was trying to hold my Innards inside best as I could


Another beautiful grow ... I would love to get my wife involved ... the help would be nice and her knowing how to grow might come in handy someday ... good luck w/ the recovery.
Thank you, this is normally my vegging tent, but because I didnt know exactly the when and how long with the body shop repairs, I've been running everything small and as hands off as possible in case my wife had to deal with the plants on her own for a long-ish period of time, and the AquaFarm fits that perfectly.

I still adore my XL Autopots, but the Aquafarm with coco run continuously (aye, you ain't supposed to do it like that, which is an open invitation to me... Lol) is rocking ze beez knees, I love it to bits and have a 4 pot WaterFarm system with ACS waiting to be deployed. The WaterFarm is the smaller model.

I haven't tried it with the recommended clay pellets, hydroton, whatever name you prefer yet, again because I'm somewhat bedridden at the moment.... Lol

Next will be a 4 pot Aquafarm system with ACS and a 150 l reservoir in a 145x145x200 tent.... , yeah, with the reservoir feeding from outside the tent...... Lol
@sanguine is doing much better than me with his Wilma grows, which is pretty much the same kinda system.
Nice to see some plants of yours documented again corgy mate. Looks like they are in safe hands with the wife she has a green thumb or two! Plants look happy in there.
Hope your up and on your feet again soon too.
Ive never even tried a drip system with any media other than clay pebbles- they can handle 15min feeds every hour when they get big.
Im thinking you will grow monsters in the 4 pot system
Thank you for the kind words..... Yeah, guess it was about time with a journal or 2....

I saw someone on another forum saying good things about coco in an Aquafarm, soooo.... Lol.... .. It's running 24/7 off a 2 w air pump, but I can also switch it off for 5-6 days when topped up with solution.... Very flexible..... Lol......

It's the 4th time this coco is instantly re-used, I pull a plant stump (sometimes a long thin knife is needed to deal with uncooperative anchor roots, I can warmly recommend the 21 cm Victorinox bread knife for this and everything else... Haha), a new seedling goes into the same hole, pitstop over with a new driver, and we motor on.
Last 3-4 days before the pitstop, I use only Florakleen, then back to Flora Nova Bloom...

I do have a little something going in the other tents, here's a little gathering of Amnesia autopot deliberately kept wife sized, they're ready so as soon as I'm outta here.... Light is the marshydro 580 reflector with 3w diodes

And here is 2 x Think Big and 8 x Tha Shizniz transmogrified into 0,5 l net pots with coco

The 2 to the left are the TB's in case anyone wonders......Silly Billy stuff, but I had fun and I reckon it'll add up to 100 g plus down the road..... I've gotten the micro bug all right and it's virtually pure fun and no work... Who would have thought!
I got 21 g off an amnesia haze grown this way awhile ago, and it gave me at least the same feeling of accomplishment as the 342 g TB out of the Aquafarm at the same time.