Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

Update- Photoperiod Day 56
Update day! SSSC Strawberry cookies are doing awesome. Did some LST by laying them over and have continued to adjust. Have to do some more as you’ll see in the pics that apical dominance has been broken and reestablished in the lower branches. Need to tie them off…today. Another week or two and they’ll get topdressed again. First pic is the lead horse it this race and if she continues on it’ll be my pick but we shall see.
Update- Autos Day 45.5
Update on the OD autos. All doing great. Leaned them over and tied off to promote more bottom growth. Thinking they are at the end of preflower so, let the magic happen I say! They’ll be needing Another top dress, prob next weekend.

Blackberry gum is the leader of this group so far and will prob be my runner, but we will see and let y’all know.
Well, i've made to much plants and can only keep them feeding cause i got help by a grobro, 10 autos outdoors, here's some impressions:):smoking:
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Happy growing AFN:biggrin:
That brings back lots of memories! I grew out in the corn fields for a long time..... I can remember back when I was 17 having to run out into a field late at night to save some plants from the combine that was harvesting the corn.....Running through the fields with bags full of bud was kind of fun also and having someone pic you up on the side of the road late at night..... I use to like to plant the spots that would get flooded in the spring and the corn didn't germinate because it was drowned or by the phone pols out in the fields was another good spot to identify where your plants are...
Weekly Update @Waira
Photos are on day 118
DRCF1FV (right)


SnowG (left)

Day 18 Auto Update
SSC Afghan x nL tester

All the plants got some Organicare Bloom and Gauno top dressing today while weeding (lol) the yard. The yard and girls got their 2nd spray with lost coast plant therapy this evening. Had unexpected rain last night @dankstyle J
07/16/22 - 420Forever update #6
@Waira update #6 ;)

Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 44 :smoking: ...31" tall now & finally startin to look like an actual plant :doh: :rolleyes2:


Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 44 :smoking:


all the girlz are finally startin to come outa their shellz so to speak, now that they're old enuff to handle the heat :whew: ppp
That brings back lots of memories! I grew out in the corn fields for a long time..... I can remember back when I was 17 having to run out into a field late at night to save some plants from the combine that was harvesting the corn.....Running through the fields with bags full of bud was kind of fun also and having someone pic you up on the side of the road late at night..... I use to like to plant the spots that would get flooded in the spring and the corn didn't germinate because it was drowned or by the phone pols out in the fields was another good spot to identify where your plants are...
Yeah man, after calculating the risks growing the guerilla style is fun pure. I have 5 spots this year, but one of it is thrill cause i'm growing again under the a couple of hundred eyes there, but harvest will be sure, so it's the skills to bring to the end:)
Sorry about your mum mate .. Your plants look great, for what that is worth today.

:vibes: your way!
Sorry for your loss, we’ll be here with open arms when ya get back! Take care!
Really sorry for your loss. Take care of you, we will be here when you get back.
Sorry for your loss brother!
Take some time, we will be here when you come back.
Take care my friend!
:smokeout: Hey gang, it's looking Phat City 'round here now - :clapper: View attachment 1487420:greenthumb:
...pardon my sporadic upkeep, it's been an ass-kicking week or so... Twice I sat down to reel in the slack here and started nodding off! View attachment 1487421:rofl:
I'm late on my own grow, don't even have my own damn thread going yet! First round of auto's is nearly done- :face:
Photo's are well under way though, and getting dropped into 5gals and relocated to the site tomorrow = :woohoo:

Thank you to those who are doing their own Threadmarking - :toke:... that helps, and anybody can do it with their own posts... Some of you olde faithfuls I'm not even going to bother with, credit earned from years of proper attendance and reliability- :smoking:

I'ma power through a few pages here, I'll be brief... :rolleyes2:

:bighug: Happy Belated B-Day 420'! ...did you get your AARP card yet? :crying:... I'll be getting mine soon enough....:baby:

Oh man, I'm so jeallie that your toking freshie stuff already! :d5: ... duly noted on ChBD, honestly I'm curious about several of their CBD line... We have some other interesting choices though too, ay? :eyebrows: ... Alas, I'll not be able to run that Suver Haze triploid, but I really hope you can! She's an OD warrior, fast, rot resistant and that sour apple aroma is just too good to miss...

The ladiez are looking superb! You have dialed that zone in well, this is what you worked for, less fussing = :thumbsup:....Yes, the SkunkBall is really quite cool! ...remember how my Pineapple formed a half done shape like she came out of a mold? I love this about some plants and their fascinating symmetry!

... stank is on for reals, small wonder at your pot farm- :rofl: ... what a treat it must be!
Sure beats the horrid stinks of your neighbors to say the very least... Pig farms are a fucking gag-fest :nono:

This is most enticing! Who's the breeder again? I wonder if this is a common aroma pheno...? I may need to snag summa dat... Gotta get some Root Beer Float from you too, BTW! That one is killin' me as well, and I know there's a photo Rootbeer out there someplace too; reports are a similar aroma profile...

Oh, Strawberry Kush is nearly done! She's a petite masterpiece, bud quality is just excellent, dense and so so frosty - :drool:... I did warn you about my pheno luck though, she's not really strawberry in aroma, sadly :doh:...definitely more Kushy, sweet/fruity/woods, just a hint maybe of strawberry buried in there, or it's just olfactory wishful thinking :rofl:.... damn nice, don't get me wrong!

:yay: Bloody excellent RT-Z! :bow:... that, is a truly Herculean effort and dome the manly way to boot- :amazon: hack & hew!

indeed, the brambles are very tough, that little buzzer is no match unfortunately...but it can still help with maintenance aganst the more tender, new growth that will encroach soon enough!
How do you get in, pole-vault? :crying:... maybe next time, consider renting a herd of goats! :gary:

:spels::spels::spels:... still hopeless at my end GTG! I see nuthin' but win-win... Another fabulous crop just like clockwork my friend!

....:bighug: ahhhh man,... so very sad the hear about your Mom passing, brother.... Condolences and love to you and the family....:angel:
I gather she's been ailing for some time now? I know that deal, I took care of my Dad for several years at the end of his life,... But you had her for century! That is one tough ol' bird, and she's born the same year as me Pa was! :cheers:
No doubt, she taught you well and passed them green thumbs right on down to ya, a lifetime to cherish that gift!
... take good care my friend, we are here for ya in spirit 24/7, so soak up some support love and find some peace best you can...:bighug:

:woohoo1:How I wish I could roll like that! .... she looks happy as can be GH, and still a manageable size- :vibe:

>>>> @Jean-O
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Thank you all :vibes:
AFN is the best forum online lot of family oriented people here a lot of good people here.
Thank you all for your condolences it means a lot.
