Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

Update- Photoperiod Day 56
  • Update day! SSSC Strawberry cookies are doing awesome. Did some LST by laying them over and have continued to adjust. Have to do some more as you’ll see in the pics that apical dominance has been broken and reestablished in the lower branches. Need to tie them off…today. Another week or two and they’ll get topdressed again. First pic is the lead horse it this race and if she continues on it’ll be my pick but we shall see.
    Update- Autos Day 45.5
  • Update on the OD autos. All doing great. Leaned them over and tied off to promote more bottom growth. Thinking they are at the end of preflower so, let the magic happen I say! They’ll be needing Another top dress, prob next weekend.

    Blackberry gum is the leader of this group so far and will prob be my runner, but we will see and let y’all know.
    07/16/22 - 420Forever update #6
  • @Waira update #6 ;)

    Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 44 :smoking: ...31" tall now & finally startin to look like an actual plant :doh: :rolleyes2:


    Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 44 :smoking:


    all the girlz are finally startin to come outa their shellz so to speak, now that they're old enuff to handle the heat :whew: ppp
  • Well the girls haven't gotten much attention this last week. I did feed them some Alaskan fish poop from the bottle. They had some rain over the last week which was unusual for July. But it wasn't enough to water them solely I did have to water them. I was able to collect about a barrel and a half of rain water. Which almost filled my IBC Tote all the way up. It's only about 6" from the top. That should give me enough water to last for about 2 or 3 weeks if we don't have too hot n dry weather.

    It's getting a little easier to figure this out on what girl's I want for this.:shrug::confused1: Cuz I do know the characteristics of some of these plants.

    The Fire OG Kush is a really good plant I know her really well and she has dank buds.

    The wedding cake She's another good plant I've grown her three times. Her buds are also dank ..

    The industrial plant is a good plant as well she has very dank buds.

    The skunk hero is a beautiful plant I don't know what her buds are like. This is something we'll have to see. But so far so good on her looks.

    The purple wookie I only know from the breeder whom I know personally and I know it's a good plant and he grows her very well in his controlled conditions inside. I've not known him to grow it outside yet.

    So I've narrowed it down to those girls. As the rest of them will probably grow very nice buds and they'll look great and everything but

    I really can't use the headband A and B because they're two girl's in the same hole. Couldn't separate them at transplanting.


    Gorilla Skittles I just love this plant it may be in my selection yet.? Ugh I grew it last year at the farmer's house. It was a beautiful plant had beautiful buds. The sad thing was it was a total loss. Because when we hung it in his drying room, he didn't turn the fans on and it molded bad. Ugh we really never got the sample any of it. Very sad.

    The mg-25 is almost reached the top of the cage already. It really loves this weather. I have to do some training on her pronto or she's going to be growing out the top.

    Headband A in the deck hole

    Wedding cake in the 15g FP

    The pre flowering Silver haze

    Citrus super haze

    Well I think I got them all in here. Phone's been giving me fits I need a new one it's overtime way past due.
    Update they are still alive
  • I live close to some orchards (cherry and apple) and my area is having a problem with Japenese beetles. They have a greenish head and brown wings. But the problemo is they love cannabis and they have been hitting my plants about midday.
    My mystery plants are resembling Super Lemon Haze wich I grew a while back. They are not showing sex yet :kiss: The Northern Lights photo is over 8 foot tall and showing that it is a female (feminized seeds) Happy Farming :bighug:


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      Northern lights photo entry.JPG
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      Mystery plants.JPG
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    Update #420 7-19-22
  • @Waira update on the garden.
    Just a powering ahead without much help from me. Still feeding twice a week roughly 10 gallons each feeding.
    Chem beyond Diesel CBD

    Detroit rock city

    Skunk Hero 22

    Inner Cage of the garden

    Spoonicorn Auto is looking great smells awesome.. Looks like she is getting close also.

    Lecter Auto is a frosty girl....

    Chocolate Skunk Auto

    Lecter has some beautiful flowers on her! going to be some chronic smoke!

    Random pic of the Dead Head OG with the MMXX next to it not sure why I loaded this but its here now lol.....

    The plants are really pushing hard now and look great. Im looking forward to the big girls flowering! The auto's have been great this season outdoors and I could possibly harvest a few of them around the garden here in the next week or 2.
    Kyote update
  • @Waira

    update time... been more than a week as i was sick for a bit there.. which is all well an good as me thinks i figured out the identity of the lanky gurl :thumbsup:

    Found a pic of Fast Lemon Drizzle and it looked identical to what is in that 5 gallon bag.. and both me and wifee did a stem rub and both got the lemon from her..:smoking:

    The plant is 45 dayz from sprouting and 4 feet tall out of the bag.. so now it appears i gotz 2 photos and one auto :doh: The peak of the awning is 6.5 feet, so not sure wat i'ma gonna do with this :shrug:


    Here's da Snow G photo finally working on somez satellite branches

    And me Muchacha auto

    So it'z a normal year outdoors here as far as surprises go :face:

    Got'z to say the temps are good here now, as well as the RH for these gurlz.. mid 70's to low 80's with RH around 45% in the daytime :thumbsup:

    So they all got off to a very slow start with the weather, butz now maybee there will be some catching up :smoking:

    Ok .. that'z me case for the week :baked: Have fun grofam :d5:
    07/23/22 - 420Forever update #7
  • @Waira update #7 ;) ppp

    Female Seedz WWxBB photo Day 51 :smoking: ...will def be my final horse btw ;)


    Linda Seedz Grapefruit photo Day 51 :smoking:

    Update- Autos day 53.5
  • Weekly update on the OD auto trio. Doing awesome! They’ll get a topdress today before the rain comes in. The FB cherry cola looks like it wants to be coated in frosty goodness. But the Blackberry gum is still my leader!