Completed The 2022 Outdoor Auto-Photo Competition!

@Waira Official Weekly Update
Day 101 for the photoperiods pic taken from 2nd terrace level. So we’re at about 7ft on that SnowG.
DRCF1FV (L) SnowG (R)

Day 2 Afghan x NL Autoflower SSC tester my solo effort due to nasty weather over a week ago.
Yepperz. I think so as well Jean wasn't sure what will shake out. He may have mentioned that to me stoner forgetful brain :crying:

And unexpectedly, SS covered me pretty deep with BBgum autos so i hope the auto compares to the photo as a medicine for me :smoking:

Were those crosses last year from krk as well? The EBBxCS or whatever they were? The one in the GH did flip early, butz got lost to the BR, and the one outside that was treated with Phyter wasn't fast at all so it barely finished. They were fun to grow though :thumbsup:
My experience, and others as well, with "custom" F1 FV's has run the gamut from apparently auto'ing (or early sexing + very hair trigger blooming) to next to nothing for speed improvement or triggering ease... With Sweet's F1FV line, every one has run like clockwork, no anomalous behavior, though on rare occasion I've seen others do so. Of course nothing is perfect, not fem'ing or "FV's"!
Usually though F1 shows something from the auto side... My expectation for Jean's crosses is earlier triggering and/or some faster bloom speed, given how the parents behaved- :thumbsup:... but those are indeed relative things... Fast photo's x auto's can be blazing quick (GP is the best example I know of; the FV finishes in under 6 weeks for me every time outside)... Something like J47, a long cycle photo, does finish sooner as an FV but not exactly "fast", just faster!

I've had Sweet Green Poison in all 3 formats, grew auto and FV, and bud samples of the normal GP... I can say it's a pretty consistent shower, auto' being the most far off the parent's for aroma sometimes... reg' version and FV tend to be very close naturally, but a lot depends on the parents themselves as well. I know GP is an old original of Sweet, well worked and at least in the past it's been locked in pretty damn well. That said, a couple recent grows by others ended up with what I consider atypical aroma profiles, so it begs the question about what Mothers have been used....

Oh, the EBB's were made by a mate using krk's Early Blubonic (seeds came direct from him to the hobby breeder Boomslang)... Those were a good case-in-point about some FV's, even with the touted speedy Critical Sour, they were not as fast as one would expect...:shrug:
The EBB x S99v6 was pretty on point, but starting so late it's hard to draw any high certainty conclusions about it...

We'll see more interesting outcomes in Krk's Punto Rojo x C99a F3 when the second round of tent auto's gets going- :eyebrows:
He said they likely won't auto due to his parent selections (not for speed/auto'ing, more for PR biased phenos)... I may get lucky though, and I hope I do! The potential "down side" may be that they favor the C99a parent, and not the very nice heirloom PR he snagged for this job.
He's also working on a C99a x Orig. Haze (same parents as those Doors x OHz last year); F2 I think only, but very promising! A nice OHz auto is the end goal...
Nothing stuck but it may have deterred. Hard to tell at this point as she’s already pretty tattered. I’ll go buy some diatomaceous earth, make an oil trap, put out stickies, and all around smoosh the bastards when I see them
:rofl: If it's wrath you want to project, get some Tanglefoot!
I think the DE may not work so well with the hay mulch in there, too many alternate pathways around it... It needs to get down their proverbial pants onto their tender bits to bleed'm out!

Also I added some marigolds awhile back, and they had done well until last night. Apparently my tape was a deterrent and they ate the only other plants in the greenhouse. The ones closest to ogreberry were fully defoliated. So I just replanted a dozen more marigolds into the greenhouse for their grazing pleasure and to buy me time. Didn’t Think anything ate marigolds:baked:
It's conflicting and confusing, they repel some bugs (limonene content), attract others as a "trap crop"...
... Tagetes family and the common landscape bush by that name are major reekers of limonene, very high terp content in that shrub!

Pick up some SNS209 systemic, made from rosemary oil... make the sap taste foul, and most bugs FO after a bite or two...not all though, some caterpillars still eat my leaves! Mother Nature is a crafty bitch :rofl:
Official Weekly Update
Day 101 for the photoperiods pic taken from 2nd terrace level. So we’re at about 7ft on that SnowG.
DRCF1FV (L) SnowG (R)
:coffee: goddaaaamn, they are cranking along Mason! :growing:
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I've had Sweet Green Poison in all 3 formats, grew auto and FV, and bud samples of the normal GP... I can say it's a pretty consistent shower, auto' being the most far off the parent's for aroma sometimes... reg' version and FV tend to be very close naturally, but a lot depends on the parents themselves as well. I know GP is an old original of Sweet, well worked and at least in the past it's been locked in pretty damn well. That said, a couple recent grows by others ended up with what I consider atypical aroma profiles, so it begs the question about what Mothers have been used....

The Green Poison FV and the Red Mandarine from Sweet both flipped and finished a month sooner than straight photos. They do seem to have the FV's down a bit better than any others i've seen .. too bad they don't hang with us any longer, butz those are the only seeds i had picked off by customs :wall: So maybe i'd just get frustrated again if they were here :rofl:

i gotz one GP FV left that I thought about running this year ... so maybe next year :shrug:

And @MasonJarOG .. his SnowG is pushing 7 feet an mine is struggling to make 7 inches :rofl: Hoping she finds her roots someday soon :eek1:

i know i'm having fun under the sun and clouds, and hope everyone else is as well :d5:
Hey peps these are some autos @Sawney_bean s lecters that I have at a greenhouse started a while bk just in garden centre cheap soil feed on only pond water chicken shit and a bit of miracle grow for vegetables these are not in comp just wanted to show them.

wow really good info from the field on the FV’s. I hope to see some flowering sooner than later on this one. I do have some of SS and Dinafem’s FV but this years weather really screwed the pooch for my outdoor auto game. I have a trip scheduled so I really wanted to have harvest done before I leave.
7/1; Jp; Update- and final three picks auto
@Waira i have made my selections for the three runners in my race.

Seedstockers Blackberry gum auto, Fastbuds Cherry cola and Amnesia Zkittlez! I have them plastic tagged with zip ties so they are marked for the remainder of their grow life. Just topped with Dr earth 4-4-4 this am.
Update- Day 41
Weekly update for SSSC Strawberry cookies. Got a message from David? saying they may be FV or standard fem-photos. Either way they are growing “like weeds” lol. Just got topdressed with Dr earth 4-4-4 this am and a little drink. One is a front runner but the other two are not far behind! Can’t wait to see the glorious bushes they aspire to become… also I topped them just before dusk yesterday!
Update 2 day 1
Minime runs knows candy
Ok I will call this day one of my twenty20 knows candy I will run 2 plants and see how it goes,
I never seem to have much luck trying to grow stealthy outdoors but let's see wat happens this time round
Kyote's weekly update
Oh Canada Day here today.. so to celebrate, twisted up a doobie, grabbed a cuppa coffee :coffee: , and sat wit the gurlz for a minute :smoking:

I'ma happy camper :cooldance: .. the gurls are all alive, and even Snow G is slowly coming out of her slumber :jump:

Autos are T20M Muchacha @ 43 dayz and SSSC Elephant @ 25 dayz group photo for them today. Love watching how different strains grow out naturally :smoking:

7-1 mu&Ele.jpg

And T20M's Snow G photo - think she is ready to do some growing now.. :biggrin:
7=1 SnowG.jpg

Happy grows all :weed::weed: