Indoor THC Bomb Auto Fem / Pro-Mix / HID Grow For Noobs

I'd cry haha oh man. I've had my run in with the spawn they call spider mites already. Death to those evil little critters!

I hate critters in my grow rooms with a passion. And Spider mites suk.

Good place to add some bug info though, thank you !

2 natural bug repellents that won't screw you or your plants up are rosemary, and peppermint oil. You can Google how to mix and use them.

And one of the best store bought bug products a new grower should learn about is called mosquito dunks.
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Hash, are there any other changes to the plant besides increased height when stretch is ending? I know we switched nutes too early the first grow as i didn't know better and was excited.
:slap: Definitely a helpful thread. Thanks @HashMaster
I hate critters in my grow rooms with a passion. And Spider mites suk.

Good place to add some bug info though, thank you !

2 natural bug repellents that won't screw you or your plants up are rosemary, and peppermint oil. You can Google how to mix and use them.

And one of the best store bought bug products a new grower should learn about is called mosquito dunks.
I looked up how to get rid of them and bought neem oil. It seemed to do the trick. I keep checking for them though.

Neem oil works to kill a lot of different critters, and if I remember right it kills a few different kinds of fungus as well.

I've still got a full bottle of it around here somewhere.... I haven't seen it in years and years though....

I went the route of preventative with repellents instead of killing critters after they get a foothold.

If I have plants under light I always have yellow stickies out. I want to know if anything is moving about in my grow rooms.

Hash, are there any other changes to the plant besides increased height when stretch is ending? I know we switched nutes too early the first grow as i didn't know better and was excited.

When your stretch ends they just start to fill and swell. That is when you find out if everything you did to that point was appreciated or not.

I've defol'd into 4 different shapes to see what this strain will do, and I'm intentionally stretching them a bit even though @BombSeeds said this strain doesn't like to fill after a good stretch.

I'm betting one or two of the shapes should be good producers though. I hope.

I use basically the same nutes start to finish, just in varying dosage. That includes carbs and cal mag. Sometimes I do add in a bloom booster towards the end... sometimes I dont.

Unlike photos, autos seem to have much more of an inherent problem with cal mag deficiency so i run that all the way to flush with autos.

And the carbs are Kewl as long as you don't go overboard and gum things up... literally.

I'm going to try a store bought flush on these for the first time as well. With all the crap and contaminates that are in things anymore I'm going to try one that supposedly grabs onto a lot of harmful metals.
I used the sensi calmag the entire first grow and i think its N is 4. Never had nitrogen issues with it. Do you think the flush would be able to flush what was absorbed by the plant?
Here is a few pics that might help new growers.

Over watering vs under watering

First pic is under watered. An under watered plant can look totally limp, hanging like it's dead :

View attachment 574247

Second pic is over watered. An over watered plant is not as limp and looks more like the leaves are drooping just a little but are mostly just curled :

View attachment 574248

Heat Stress

You can get several different looking symptoms from heat stress. This is one of the most common and is usually caused by your light being too close and bad air flow / circulation. It can progress to much worse than this leaf curling :

View attachment 574690

Smoke Break..... :smokeit:

This is great for me. I am dealing with this right now.

I recently moved a group of gals from Veg to Flower tent; I keep a flow, stashing up for the apocalypse.
The gals are 30 days old. I have them about 12" off my 1000W HPS.
Yesterday my friend was riding me about moving the light closer, I did not. Most charts say around 11" - 12" at closet.
I now have heat stress.
I see you are at 20" for a similar age. Do you stay at 20" or move closer after flowering is more developed?

I used the sensi calmag the entire first grow and i think its N is 4. Never had nitrogen issues with it. Do you think the flush would be able to flush what was absorbed by the plant?

Ok, there are 2 different flushes. One is to eliminate salts and / or start correcting pH problems and nute lockout.

To do this flush you water right up till you get a tiny bit of run off then you let it sit for a while to break up / disolve what you want to eliminate. Then you run 3 or 4 times the size of your container worth of water through to flush out your medium. (3 gallon pot, run 9-12 gallons through) some people use a light nute solution to do this flush with, some don't.

The second kind of flush is a pre harvest flush.

We used to do it just to get rid of as much as we could of the stored nutes because with the slow dry and cure method I was taught you get a much tastier and smoother smoke. Some people can taste the difference, some can't.

Now I also do it to try and get rid of contaminates that are unhealthy. Soil is the worst but you can also get heavy metals in peat and other mediums, and you can get mercury in fish byproduct based nutes, or crap leaching from Chinese pots into your medium, etc...

Unless you pay for a lab analysis proving otherwise it's best anymore to just assume you at least have some level of contaminates.

That flush as the name implies is done right prior to harvest and you have to be able to read your plants to determine how long to flush. 6 days, 8, 10, 14...... depends on size, fullness, bud maturity, medium, heavy drinker, etc.

I was taught that the perfect flush ends up being just like in nature. You get rid of excess and the plant then eats itself from the bottom up to finish out and you chop when done.

Time it wrong one way and you hurt bud production (worst case) time it wrong the other way and bud production is fine but you need to chop before completely flushed.

Obviously the latter is better. It's also the best way to learn.