Indoor THC Bomb Auto Fem / Pro-Mix / HID Grow For Noobs

I am not an indoor expert, but I am learning as I go. Would love to jump in and see what @budelee and @HashMaster have to say.

Way to get involved...........
This is just my second grow here trying to learn as I go and what better place than here to drop as much mistakes as possible so the pros can help us. I have done reading and stay on a daily YouTube regiment. I try my best to follow the wise words of the [emoji235]rabbits [emoji235] as they been there done that. I try and fill follow everyone I can to have a broad out look on what is going on on this site rather than just sit in a corner like I was my first few days. But I also enjoy the friends I have here to talk to daily every picture I get is a awesome way to have your personal magazine on your phone with all the latest updates in real time. Doesn't get much better.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit [emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.
True, thats the problem.... but you would have had the exact same growth if you had been at 20" but without the possible harmful side effects if every thing else stayed constant.....

Just like everything else though there are variables involved so I better clear that up...

18" is the closest you want to run a 1000W HPS bulb assuming it is a brand new good quality proper spectrum bulb.

Cheap bulb, kinda sorta right spectrum, or a used bulb you can get away with closer.

I haven't bleached a plant in decades so I don't have any pics. I think I'll go see if I can find one on the net...

(IE: SMOKE BREAK...... :jointman: )

If I could ask what I believe to be a rhetorical question?

My friend is photoperiod commercial grower (he sells). He runs about 4"-6" off the lamp. When I was getting started in indoor growing and doing OCD research, I found a few posts consistent with this. Is this common with these fellas? If it is, I assume it is because AutoFlowers are more sensitive?
Neem oil works to kill a lot of different critters, and if I remember right it kills a few different kinds of fungus as well.

I've still got a full bottle of it around here somewhere.... I haven't seen it in years and years though....

I went the route of preventative with repellents instead of killing critters after they get a foothold.

If I have plants under light I always have yellow stickies out. I want to know if anything is moving about in my grow rooms.

It kills that white powdery mildew and some other stuff. I do have sticky traps though. I saw them a couple of weeks ago and they seemed like a good idea.
I am not an indoor expert, but I am learning as I go. Would love to jump in and see what @budelee and @HashMaster have to say.

Way to get involved...........

One thing you may find in the end is there really are no "experts".... just some people who have more experience and have refined the particular process they use.

Every step along the way can be done in different ways. Read em all and pick and choose what works best for you and refine your own process.

Nothing I do is the "best way" of doing something, it's just the best for me....

Well except for curing, mines the best way for that.. LOL

That will start some arguments right there :haha:

If I could ask what I believe to be a rhetorical question?

My friend is photoperiod commercial grower (he sells). He runs about 4"-6" off the lamp. When I was getting started in indoor growing and doing OCD research, I found a few posts consistent with this. Is this common with these fellas? If it is, I assume it is because AutoFlowers are more sensitive?

There's a dozen ways to answer this and every one would sound like I was ragging on your friend....

So... I'll refer to commercial growers I know that also do this... they are interested in 2 things - weight and speed.

To get weight and speed they sacrifice a little on quality, a little on strength, a little on taste, etc. They still get good weed or they would be out of business, but is it the best weed they could have gotten each grow ? No.

They do not replace four dozen $150 bulbs every grow, in fact they don't own a single $150 bulb as they buy cheap and in quantity.

I usually say you can never have too much light, but technically you can. Bleaching is the extreme end and it is not that common, but you do give up a bit on taste, potency, resin production, etc... long before you ever get an albino bud.

Say a 1000W HPS is rated at 145,000 lumens, that's great but a flowering plant only uses something like 75K lumens. (You'll have to look the actual numbers up as I'm pulling them from memory from long ago)

The other thing to do a bit of research on is going the other way. HID lights shed lumens exponentially as distance increases. You can use this info to get into intentional stretching.

Go too far though and you have a nice tall stick that never fills out.

Anyway..... yes you can get away with it and there are other things you can do to compensate, but if your not a commercial grower then there is no need because you would have other priorities than just weight and speed.

Like I've said before, there's many ways to do each step along the way with these weeds. Find what works for you and refine it.

When I started out I tried to cause a few common problems so I could take pics and show them. That didn't work.

Since then I've been feeding only what the plants need without extra. That was fine until I didn't feel well for a few days and missed a few feedings.

So.... now I can show you a very common problem with autos: calcium deficiency.

Calcium deficiency looks sort of like little rust spots to start with, if it progresses unchecked it spreads and gets much worse. This pic is the early stage when you want to catch it and correct it with cal mag


Once you start treating the problem just watch to make sure it doesn't spread. Watch for it on middle and upper growth. Also don't expect the existing brown spots to ever turn green again.

Only one of my 4 plants showed this.
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Lol, if you can stay out of it long enough to cure! I see the difference every day and it's only been about 2 weeks. The buzz is good but the taste isn't very pleasant. Its why i haven't done a smoke report yet on our first grow. I am good at posting stoopid questions while stoned, does that count? Its so funny that my friend who is the heavy smoker is staying out of the jars and me the light weight wants to roll a half oz joint!