Indoor THC Bomb Auto Fem / Pro-Mix / HID Grow For Noobs

It was worth the $9.... I guess.... :dizzy:

77 was their last US tour, and man were they wasted when they came on.

Good times were had by all :baked:

Crazy how you got to see them. Now you get to see how influential the music was.

[emoji235]Follow the rabbit[emoji235]
Check out our friendly grow off when you get a chance. Show some love if you got a bit to spare.
Check out how much I paid to see this tour:

It was outrageous!

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I used to write the names of the other bands on the backs of the stubs because we always got so wasted we would forget all the other bands names.

Ended up with stacks and stacks of stubs so I started tacking em to boards. Then I ended up with stacks of boards...


Now those boards hold up plants and things, or buckets out in the workshop, or parts out in the garage.....

Ok... two things to show you in the pic below... the first thing is early signs of simple nute burn, the very tip of the leaf turning yellow.

I'm have been running 2X the factory recommended strength to push and torture these girls to see how this strain reacts so I knew this would happen eventually. I was just getting ready to go to 3X but now i will hold off a bit longer on that.

If everything else is cool just back off your nutes a bit. And you want to catch it very early as shown in the pic or you can fry and crisp your leaves.

These are 4 heavy drinkers and they handle nutes well to have made it this long.

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The second thing that I wanted to show is something that will happen to you eventually and when it does you will search the net for it and you will find 36,000 different answers... but all of them will be wrong as this is not real common, but if you grow long enough it will happen to you eventually.

Notice how the leaves are folding upwards... like they are cupping up the length of both sides from the center. Cupping lengthwise so there are still fairly flat looking.....

This is called canoeing but some refer to it as tacoing. And it can progress to the point where the leaves just fold up lengthwise.

Catch it early as shown in the pic.

This is caused by 2 things generally. Your light is too close and you have a bit more airflow than you want right at that exact spot.

It generally happens on Sativa Dom strains or phenos more often, but it can happen on any.

And it usually shows on new growth first.

Just raise your light a bit and move the fan that is hitting that exact area a tiny bit in any direction and it will clear up in 3 or 4 days.

Basically this is the plants way of protecting itself when you force the old circulatory system into overdrive (learn the basics of how this weed draws up from the roots and that little comment will make sense and also help you read plants better)

Yeah, I know, I make ya do research instead of just telling you straight out.... it sux... have fun learning though ! :eyebrows:

Occasionally it can be caused just by your light being too close, even if your Temps are fine. But in most cases it it a light and wind combo problem.

Either way, your light has to be raised a bit.


Now where did I put my damn hash pipe ?


Dude, Freaking AWESOME................AGAIN!!!!!

Check out how much I paid to see this tour:

It was outrageous!

View attachment 576109

I used to write the names of the other bands on the backs of the stubs because we always got so wasted we would forget all the other bands names.

Ended up with stacks and stacks of stubs so I started tacking em to boards. Then I ended up with stacks of boards...


Now those boards hold up plants and things, or buckets out in the workshop, or parts out in the garage.....

Now you have my attention..............

I just bought my Baby Girl an electric guitar for her 17th birthday yesterday (she has eight years of violin and acoustic). On the way to the store I explained that you will have a hard time finding a rock muscician that was not influenced by Zeppelin. U let her know Led Zeppelin was not a band; they were an event in life.......he, he, he......

Me and my buddies used to skip school and do bongs watching "The Song Remains the Same;" ALL DAY.
A real quick vid for anybody who hasn't seen our favorite girls flapping their wings.....

Some strains do it more than others, some grows do it more than others.

The four girls I have now pray for 17 hours and then an hour before lights out they all start getting ready for bed.
A real quick vid for anybody who hasn't seen our favorite girls flapping their wings.....

Some strains do it more than others, some grows do it more than others.

The four girls I have now pray for 17 hours and then an hour before lights out they all start getting ready for bed.


This video tells a lot about Cannabis as well....very interesting....
Let's see... Day 33... I think.....

Tallest girl hit 3 feet today. I stopped intentionally stretching 2 days ago as the canopy was getting to uneven and I'm too lazy to raise up the lower plants.

3 footer looks like it will have 7 mains if it fills out. The extra early defol and that shape worked great.

Just did a radical defol on the cube plant and on the ball on a stick plant. Very surprised at how sticky my fingers were from just the fans at this early stage. A good sign indeed. Going to have a ton of bud sites on both of those.

Done with defol. Going to just let them grow out from here on out. Going to still see if they will take being hit with 3X max nutes. Probably going to throw some early booster at them as well to help the 3 footer fill out.

Will throw up some porn in about a week, they should be nicely recovered from today's pruning by then.

SMOKE BREAK..... :hookah:
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The ball on a stick was showing off with a full plant pray just a day after a heavy defol

I think she's an exhibitionist :dancer:

Will have 1 or 2 nice bud sites on her :yay:

Day 34


78° F / 38% RH

1000W HPS @ 20"