Hey Tang something I was meaning to ask, are they the same air pots as the last ones ? I don't mean the same size I mean exactly the same ones. I've been thinking as pots are cheap then change them every time to reduce the risk of little pests/bugs etc.

Like a whipped dog I'll be following this one too

Ive been using the same pots for about 3 years now bro,after every grow they get cleaned with a light bleach solution and boililing water.
May He rest in peace.

Im sure you have seen it quoted but the great mans last tweet is poetically beautiful.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had,but not preserved,except in memory"
Dam ! that is hardcore. Mostly i just use English Breakfast because I'm posh and nothing but twinings will do :D
Day 10.

Light feed started today and she seems to be enjoying herself.

5 days growth from the last picture is unbelievable !! what magic beans have you got to make your plant grow so quick LOL that giant better watch out
That's incredible. Your plants look to be 5 days ahead of mine at least. I think I need to take better notes :grat: