Indoor CBD Crack in Drip/RDWC

Three-fingered mutation.

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Day 44

I decided to add one more 42w 2700k CFL.. (which has been moved since these photos were taken) ..I'm not sure if there's such a thing as too much light but I'm going to run with it. She's drinking about a half gallon a day and some leaves are starting to get a little frosty. I'm still having a hard time seeing it all come together but that's how it's been from day one so I'll just continue to watch and wait.

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Day 48

Chugging right along.

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Day 52

I ran into what I think was a little cal mag deficiency (which is documented here) ..I had cut back on the cal mag a week or so ago just to see what would happen and I saw what happened. It doesn't show up in photos from three days ago so it happened very quickly. Hopefully it doesn't diminish the yield or slow things down. At least I learned a lesson here. I guess I kind of set myself up. Oh well.

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Day 56

I thought I'd grab a few photos before lights on. This is actually the first time that I've seen her in this lighting.
On the 16th, I removed a small bud from deep down in the canopy since I knew it wasn't going to amount to much.
For shits and giggles, I tossed it in a paper bag and had my first few hits from her last night.
Not primo tasting by any means but certainly not grassy. A very slight buzz could be felt behind the eyes.
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Day 59

The power went out for seven hours last night. Luckily, I woke up and noticed not long after it went out. Even though the lights were already off there was no power for the 2 pumps, humidifier, exhaust and two stationary fans. I drained and refilled the res three times in an attempt to keep the water aerated. That became quite a chore in the dark with nothing but an LED headlamp mounted on my head. So, using a brand new kerosene siphon that I had kicking around, I hooked it up to the drain/view tube and pushed air down into the bottom of the res by squeezing the thing over and over and over again. I'd alternate between doing that and waving a manila folder at the plant in order to keep air moving around it. It finally dawned on me that there's a power inverter out in the garage so I hooked it up to the car's auxiliary outlet and ran an extension cord into the house. I didn't want to overload the thing so I just hooked the pumps up to it. After an hour, the sun finally came up and about a half hour later the power finally came back on. I can't help but think that this would be less of an issue if I was growing in soil but this is the first power outage we've had in over 6 years.

Anyway, I've been monitoring a cal/mag deficiency (possible lockout) and it's not been a lot of fun. I'm guessing (actually hoping) that it should be done in another week or two. Fast Buds says 60 days and we all know how that goes. As aggravating as the past few days have been, it certainly could have been a lot worse.

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Day 62

Sometimes the only way for me to see any change is to do the old side-by-side comparison. This is one week ago vs. this morning.
She's getting a little beat up mostly due to having dealt with the cal/mag deficiency, growing up against the walls/doors and some
leaves getting splashed from filling the res.
CBD Crack 3-20 to 3-27-20.jpg
Day 68

Little by little, I've been feeding it less and less. There's still a good amount of white hairs and the trichomes are still transitioning from clear to cloudy. I think another week should do it.
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Day 71

I think I'm going to start a 2 day final flush. I've got several devices for checking the trichomes. Unfortunately, my eyes aren't what they used to be so I find it difficult to say with 100 percent certainty that it's ready. 50 to 60% of the stigmas have turned brown and I think I see a few amber trichomes in the first photo. Even though they're not all cloudy, I think they might be by the end of the 2 day flush. Since I'm not a huge THC hound, I'm using the following post as a guideline.
when to harvest for best cbd.JPG

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