tang thanks for sharing your schedule. it has done wonders to my grow skills. I just realised I'm running your schedule inOF. its dialled in ans their happy so I'll just keep doing it. thanks again man!
Glad to hear it bro.
tang thanks for sharing your schedule. it has done wonders to my grow skills. I just realised I'm running your schedule inOF. its dialled in ans their happy so I'll just keep doing it. thanks again man!
Hey Tang. I'm currently on my first legit grow, I'm doing 3 auto mazaars and 2 think diffrents and will be doing my first feeding today. The pots are 3.5 gallon ultra oxy pots and I have AN's grow micro bloom and voodoo juice and B-52. I'll be mixing them into a gallon of water at a low strength.. My question is, am I supposed to have a gallon of feed per plant or can I give them about a liter each. Also am I supposed to feed them every day during day 10-15 or just once and then the same day 15-20? Thanks in advance!
A Liter will be to much per day this early give them half that than pick the pots up to feel the weight then pick up again the next day,you should be able to use this method to judge how much they need per day.
I personaly never use voodoo and b52 together,I use my base nutes and voodoo for the first 2 weeks of feed to get the goodies in the root zone,this is where the Carboload comes in in veg it feeds the microbes Voodoo juice puts in the soil. Then I swap the voodoo for B52 but keep up the Carbo. Hope this helps bro and good luck with the rest of the grow.
Do you still switch to bloom nutes at day 32 if vertical growth is still going on? I usually see vertical growth until day 38-40.
Hey Tang, any news on your eco schedule? Am eager to follow along as closely as possible but can't afford the whole range in one hit. What would you recommend off the top of your head to start off with?
Also, can i ask, is this schedule based on hard or soft water ?
Thanks dude, your grows are a massive inspiration![]()