New Grower Tangie’matic, Ripley’s OG, Stilton Special

Froot 1.5! Right on!
cheers guys :pass:

new stuff all here, Tangie’matic action starts this weekend.
Super excited to see this one dude. Make sure to give her the space she needs, don't hold back on the LST and expect to use a lot of bamboo to keep the colas up. Mine was hungry too, I ran full strength nutes according to the General Hydro feed chart the whole way through and she didn't kick up a fuss.

You'll be knee deep in buds before you know it :growing:
much appreciated mate, she's not too shabby for a first go :shooty:
3-4 weeks at least yep, plenty of time to pack some weight on.

the background? just a blackout curtain the missus got for her wacky sleep patterns :baked:
beats the magnolia wall and lets me get snaps without the flash.
got another one for ya coming up soon!

haha i see many a comment about how expensive they are...

i'm a seeing-is-believing kinda guy. once i got my head around the absolute basics, i focused on what options were the most straight forward and suitable for a novice like me, and then looked up journals of people combining the similar ingredients i was interested in ie: soil, LED etc etc

it became abundantly clear how important pH is very quickly - so many journals have periods where pH fluctuations cause big trouble. but then there's some guys shrugging their shoulders, putting out exemplary plants and claiming they don't check pH, ever. i researched the AN pH Perfect range and, sure enough, they claim you'll never have to check your pH again!

i selected a medium that others have used with their pH Perfect nutes and achieved excellent results.

it's not even so much the fact that pH'ing nutes and monitoring pH is that much of a drag - i'm sure just adding that step to usual feeding regime is no thinking was more that surely it's an effective way of preventing pH issues from happening altogether?

i'm 50 days in this weekend and i've got two ladies living up to expectations.

the downside (sigh) is that if i run in to any severe problems, i'm not very well equipped to deal with it. traditionally if you develop a problem, the first thing you want to check is the pH :haha:

as for not being in Cali...i assume your Hydro Shop understand the price tag that comes with keeping a jar full of something nice in the UK? :rofl:

but there's more!
i'm sure using the full AN line up with all the bells and whistles does become rather expensive, especially if you are fronting the cost all at once.
i'm using only the bloom base nutes, 1L bottle of each. my girls are still shouting at me for their 1.5ml per L feeds for being too saucy. these bottles will last me a whole bunch of plants.
the extras - Voodoo Juice, Carboload and Overdrive - i purchased only the 250ml bottles. at 1ml per L, again these are gonna last me several grows.

i know you're in to coco, and admittedly as i committed to soil early on, i don't read many coco journals. i don't know how successful the AN Coco nutes are as they don't have the buffering power of the soil.

that was a lot of words just to say, basically, i rate Advanced Nutrients.
i don't know how other ranges stack up £££ wise as i've only looked at AN really, and i'm happy so far with results.
Haha good to know! Honestly from what I can tell, everyone's beef with AN seems to be more related how to company conduct themselves rather than the quality of the product itself. As I'm not dealing with the company directly, nor will I be buying litres and litres of the stuff, I can't see any issues.
They make some pretty wild claims on their website but seeing your results, perhaps they're not so outlandish after all.

I think I'll look at adding Voodoo Juice, Carboload and Overdrive to my GH trio base and see how it goes. I used the Big Bud before and didn't really think much of it, but I'm happy to persevere.

As far as PH goes, I'm sure mine's always a little off, but I've not run into too many issues, one of the benefits of coco I suppose is it's relatively quick to flush it out if one does run into any major problems. I haven't even got a PH reader, though I do plan on buying one ASAP.

I'll be visiting the hydro store today actually, so I might ask them to elaborate, I've never got much sense from the guys in there though. :LOLStoned:
Super excited to see this one dude. Make sure to give her the space she needs, don't hold back on the LST and expect to use a lot of bamboo to keep the colas up. Mine was hungry too, I ran full strength nutes according to the General Hydro feed chart the whole way through and she didn't kick up a fuss.

You'll be knee deep in buds before you know it :growing:

if I can get this one off to a more vigorous start, she’ll get topped to try and manage her a bit better for my slim cupboard. that’s a big “if” though ‘cause i’m changing things up quite a bit, starting off in a new soil and under 220w of cobs. but i’m really excited about her :woohoo1:

appreciate the tips!

oh okay yes - AN’s overconfident statements and their snarky remarks towards other brands? i’ve noted that...but i’ve also noticed the growers guarantee on the side of all my bottles that claims if i ain’t chuffed to bits with their stuff they’ll give me my cash back. that’s a strong statement, too.
at this stage, for this novice, i’m convinced. enough to consider adding in more of their products to my regime even though the law of diminishing returns would kick in fairly fast.

that’s not to say I wouldn’t pick up a batch of MegaCrop in a heartbeat if the shipping wasn’t insane :shrug:
but then I’d be pHing so who knows
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i’m gonna need to bump up the temps a couple of degrees to get a new girl going...

currently a very stable 24 celsius for majority of lights on, dropping to 20.5 Celsius lights off up at the canopy and a tad lower across the board around the pots.

would a heat mat be my best option just to lift specifically root zone temps just a couple of degrees? i’m hoping a low wattage mat left on around the clock will do the trick?
CDLC fancied a photo or two after watering last night :kiss:

View attachment 968286

48 days, tried pushing her feed up a tad this week to assist with her flowering but she ain't interested.
big floppy fan leaves at the bottom are too heavy for her to lift anymore but they don't cause much trouble.
might be able to catch that strange two tone sheen on the big fan at the bottom, tough to photograph.
Beautiful lady...
i’m gonna need to bump up the temps a couple of degrees to get a new girl going...

currently a very stable 24 celsius for majority of lights on, dropping to 20.5 Celsius lights off up at the canopy and a tad lower across the board around the pots.

would a heat mat be my best option just to lift specifically root zone temps just a couple of degrees? i’m hoping a low wattage mat left on around the clock will do the trick?

get your self a couple of tube heaters (130w to 180w) place at the base of your tent on a inkbird thermostat controler... you will have no heat issues any more and you will be able to dial the temps perfect, you will have loads more control over the space than what a heat mat will add ... tip when using cobs / QB's try and have a constant 26 - 27c with lights on, the plants will perform that little better.
Beautiful lady...

appreciated dude!
hopefully she’ll just keep getting prettier :jump:

get your self a couple of tube heaters (130w to 180w) place at the base of your tent on a inkbird thermostat controler... you will have no heat issues any more and you will be able to dial the temps perfect, you will have loads more control over the space than what a heat mat will add ... tip when using cobs / QB's try and have a constant 26 - 27c with lights on, the plants will perform that little better.

perfect thank you dude, was apprehensive about how much actual usable heat the mats would put out. I’ll get on it! :greenthumb::greenthumb::greenthumb: