New Grower Tangie’matic, Ripley’s OG, Stilton Special

let's try and share some photos without lowering ourselves to dick-pics today!

the troublemaker hussy herself, CDLC on her 38th day;



Sour Livers already putting some weight on at day 39;



Cupboard shot...planning on trying to sneak another pot in there in a week or so. i added a floor standing fan after this shot, might no be such a good plan after all :shrug:


Advice needed please from any and all; my cupboard has been consistently between 50 and 60 RH for weeks now...should i be looking at a dehumidifier for full flower? and use a half bottle over a seedling if i were to get it down to 40 RH?
let's try and share some photos without lowering ourselves to dick-pics today!

the troublemaker hussy herself, CDLC on her 38th day;

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Sour Livers already putting some weight on at day 39;

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Cupboard shot...planning on trying to sneak another pot in there in a week or so. i added a floor standing fan after this shot, might no be such a good plan after all :shrug:

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Advice needed please from any and all; my cupboard has been consistently between 50 and 60 RH for weeks now...should i be looking at a dehumidifier for full flower? and use a half bottle over a seedling if i were to get it down to 40 RH?

Looking good mate, I wouldn't worry about getting a dehumidifier at 60% especially since they seem to have plenty of room and i'm guessing you have good air flow. You have kind of seen how dense my room is and I battle to keep my RH at 60% during late flower and it usually tries pushing up. I only ever really find problems arising from high RH when it is about 70% and the bud density is off the scale, apart from that bud mould and those types of problems don't ever really enter my mind. You won't have any problems like that mate.
@YourMumsNewFella missed this yesterday mate - thank you! it rarely hits 60%, i never see it, so must be during lights off. i'll put the pennies elsewhere then.

airflow fluctuates, but i oversized for my space with a 6" Phresh fan and Rhino Pro filter. pretty sure it is rated to exchange way more air than i need for my piddly cupboard so it gets run at 70% during the day, having to drop down to maybe as low as 25% at night because it's loud. i should really look in to trying to make the set up more stealthy but i'm in two minds to migrate to the attic at some point, if only height wasn't an issue up there...
@YourMumsNewFella missed this yesterday mate - thank you! it rarely hits 60%, i never see it, so must be during lights off. i'll put the pennies elsewhere then.

airflow fluctuates, but i oversized for my space with a 6" Phresh fan and Rhino Pro filter. pretty sure it is rated to exchange way more air than i need for my piddly cupboard so it gets run at 70% during the day, having to drop down to maybe as low as 25% at night because it's loud. i should really look in to trying to make the set up more stealthy but i'm in two minds to migrate to the attic at some point, if only height wasn't an issue up there...
60% at lights off, then that definitely not a problem. Sounds like you have plenty of airflow too so sounds pretty much perfect to me :d5:

I don't know exactly how your set up is but what I do to minimise the noise to really low levels is this: Like you I have a very oversized outtake, so oversized that placing the fan directly onto the filter like I do when sound isn't an issue would probably pull me towards it. This allows me to do 2 things, firstly I can remove the fan from directly contacting the filter and place that in the loft leaving just the carbon in the grow space, this straight away cuts noise down drastically. Then you can either build some kind of soundproof box to place the fan in, or buy some really thick towels like i did and just duct tape the fuck out of them around the fan. You could even buy insulated tubing to decrease noise even further. I can literally pop my loft hatch and you can barely hear anything, same from the room. People have been walking past it for a few years now without any idea.

Had a friend do 20 in the attic once, all in a straight line with the lights attached to the main roof joist hahaha what a madman he was, needless to say he only got away with 1 harvest :crying:
60% at lights off, then that definitely not a problem. Sounds like you have plenty of airflow too so sounds pretty much perfect to me :d5:

I don't know exactly how your set up is but what I do to minimise the noise to really low levels is this: Like you I have a very oversized outtake, so oversized that placing the fan directly onto the filter like I do when sound isn't an issue would probably pull me towards it. This allows me to do 2 things, firstly I can remove the fan from directly contacting the filter and place that in the loft leaving just the carbon in the grow space, this straight away cuts noise down drastically. Then you can either build some kind of soundproof box to place the fan in, or buy some really thick towels like i did and just duct tape the fuck out of them around the fan. You could even buy insulated tubing to decrease noise even further. I can literally pop my loft hatch and you can barely hear anything, same from the room. People have been walking past it for a few years now without any idea.

Had a friend do 20 in the attic once, all in a straight line with the lights attached to the main roof joist hahaha what a madman he was, needless to say he only got away with 1 harvest :crying:

that was my original plan - just have the filter in the cupboard and run a meter or two of ducting in to the attic with the fan. trouble is, access. damn water tank sits above the room with the cupboard, meaning i can't easily get myself above it to set up the fan properly, whereas just shoving the ducting through from beneath works out okay. but i'm gonna have to review it, because these girls are really starting to put stuff to the test, and running low is allowing odours to creep through.

between the Livers and the CDLC, and adding the larger fan to ruffle 'em up all the time, they reek.
the CDLC smells very chemmy up close, but get a splash of the sticky resins it's putting out and you're hit with an intoxicating sweetness with a slight menthol's really something so far.
let's try and share some photos without lowering ourselves to dick-pics today!

the troublemaker hussy herself, CDLC on her 38th day;

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Sour Livers already putting some weight on at day 39;

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Cupboard shot...planning on trying to sneak another pot in there in a week or so. i added a floor standing fan after this shot, might no be such a good plan after all :shrug:

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Advice needed please from any and all; my cupboard has been consistently between 50 and 60 RH for weeks now...should i be looking at a dehumidifier for full flower? and use a half bottle over a seedling if i were to get it down to 40 RH?
Looking really good fams!!!
thanks @KREATURE bro, they smell even better :biggrin:

forgot to mention, I’m awaiting delivery of new soil, seeds and nutes. will set off a Tangie’matic once all has arrived. hopefully the switch up will help give them a better start, the first girls were def’ slow starters and didn’t make up for it before they bloomed. not much veggin’.
Bit nervous about popping a seedling under my full capacity cobs though :point:
thanks @KREATURE bro, they smell even better :biggrin:

forgot to mention, I’m awaiting delivery of new soil, seeds and nutes. will set off a Tangie’matic once all has arrived. hopefully the switch up will help give them a better start, the first girls were def’ slow starters and didn’t make up for it before they bloomed. not much veggin’.
Bit nervous about popping a seedling under my full capacity cobs though :point:
Looking forward to following your Tangie'Matic :headbang:
i took a couple of pics

CDLC Day 44 yesterday, just a few shots of how she's developing up top;


and my Sour Livers at day 45 yesterday;


both showing minimal signs of calcium def', coinciding with increase of cobs and a feed or two where i dropped the CalMag. CDLC has deep red stems on each and every fan leaf, but she's had them since her teenage days so i'm pretty sure she's just pretty.
nute burn on the tips, haven't pushed base nutes above 1.5ml per litre, not looking like big feeders.