New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Ecigs mate - I went from 30 a day for 25 odd years to nothing on the day I bought my first ecig. Makes quitting so easy its untrue!

Have thought about them in the past, but was not really sure how effective it would really be due to the large amount i smoke, but after hearing that i am gonna have to give them a try for sure.

Hey dude - nice work. So is Spain the UKs version of Florida?

Hahaha thats a good one, the south is actually full of expats and a popular holiday destination for sure, so i suppose in a way you could put it like that.

Got the pics for the next update, just gonna pop outside for a smoke and will post them then. She looking a bit different now, lets say i got alot more confident when it comes to L.S.T
Got the pics for the next update, just gonna pop outside for a smoke and will post them then. She looking a bit different now, lets say i got alot more confident when it comes to L.S.T

Don´t tease us bro haha!

And if you want to look into ecigs, I can hook you up with some decent info. Let me know and I´ll pm you some stuff!
Day 20

Well great news to start, they for sure where pistils that i thought i could see, so looks like she has made it to puberty, now here hoping she makes it through teenage life without any sexual confusion.

Well gained my confidence (maybe a bit to much) in performing L.S.T as you can see in the pictures below, through the course of about 36hrs i kept slowly adjusting her and bending her down, to the stage where i now have 4.5cm of main stalk at a straight 90 degree angle, and a plant putting out her 6th set of leaves, standing only 7cm tall, so looks like she will be good now and not outgrow the box. She is only tied in two places which is the string in the pictures, all the wires you can see are just holding down and angling the fan leaves to open them up and am now getting max light in the lower growth, and over the last 24hrs growth there is starting to explode.

She took it well though and kept on growing stress free the whole way through, and things are really starting to speed up now, this is the stage i love get to see something new every day and she is putting out a real nice smell now, but not to overpowering yet thank god as The Neutralizer is yet to arrive, have been assured by delivery company it will be here tomorrow, as the guy from the company turned up Friday to say there was a problem with the paperwork and would be back later, like f*** he was.

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Alwaysautos mate, cheers yeah hit me up with some info sometime would be great, will save me the cheapskate in am ordering something chinese thats gonna blow up in my face.
Great work mate - she loves it!

I´ll sort some info on ecigs and pm you either later today or tomorrow.
Nice Training, Spanglish! Jumpin in there and tying her down, that's for sure. Takes courage :)
Great work mate - she loves it!

I´ll sort some info on ecigs and pm you either later today or tomorrow.

Thanks mate, whenever you get a chance is much appreciated.

Nice Training, Spanglish! Jumpin in there and tying her down, that's for sure. Takes courage :)

Yeah was a bit nervous at first, but seemed the right time as it needed to be done and the stem was still thin enough to play with, gets a bit addictive after a while though and am starting to get very anal about where each fan leaf is heading, been in there with a light meter trying to get the highest possible reading at every point of the canopy.

Bought back many memories of a ex of mine, but shhhh dont tell the misses :brow:
Those are some nice gains on the plant, nicely done.

Thanks bro,

Still to early to say, but so far so good. Thought i spotted some signs of a possible def, have treated her and looks to be under control, but am going to be keeping a eye on her and get another feed in soon.
Day 22

Things still moving along nicely, even after the scare the other day of some kind of deficiency appearing, but thanks to some help by A4 seems to be all under control now, gave her two weak mix sprays of CalMg over the space of 36hrs and looks good for now.

She got another feed today a 1L mix, with Product X 3ml/L, Grow 3ml/L, Alg A Mic 2ml/L and CalMg 0.5ml/L. Soil was not really dry enough but new growth was looking a bit pale so wanted to get some more nutes in there, good thing is as she gets bigger is starting to take more water up now and i reckon in about 4-5 days when i feed again the moisture in the soil will be perfect.

Spotted a bug in the soil this morning and mixed up some neem ready to give the leaves and the soil a spray over, but managed to id it as a Springtail and from what i can see they are harmless, raked over the top lair of soil and found no more so i let him be.

Been adjusting and moving the fan leaves bit by bit and keeping the lower canopy open so it is still receiving as much light as possible. Apart from that is just about it, so till next time here are some pics.

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