New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Day 1

Ok she is officaly born and day one of the schedule starts from here.

I have got a bottle of Green planet pro-cal (calmg) on order and should be here in a few days to add with the nutes when feeding, have been discussing my feed schedule in another thread and thanks to help from other members working it out, thread is linked below for anyone who is following.

Heres a few pics i got on my phone.

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Day 3

Ok a quick update, so far all going good but still early days. Have got a few more supplies now from that are Bio Bizz Root Juice, Alg A Mic and Product X. Would have liked to have got the root juice in on the first watering before i planted the seed, but only just got it now.

As the soil was still moist from her first watering, i only mixed a 1L bottle of water and feed as not to over water her. Have added 2.5ml of Root Juice and also 2.5ml of Product X, to see how she takes it.

Here are the latest pics, she looks to have a little stretch has been cloudy here the last two days so she has spent most of her time under my make shift lights, have moved her a little closer to them and she dont seem to be stretching anymore.

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Day 5

Been a eventful day with the grow today, weather is still cloudy and she has been under the oven light again. For the first time since we had it installed one of the bulbs went today, is a sealed unit so managed to get it opened up to check the bulb so i could get i new one, to my extreme horror once i got to the bulb i realised that they are halogen bulbs and not cfls (would explain the poor yields i have got from this method in the past, and the small burn she got on one of her cotyledons which luckily the main leaves avoided).

So have had to go for a emergancy change of plan for the cold and cloudy days she wont be getting any sun. Have made myself a makeshift grow box from a H61cm-W44cm-D35 cardboard box and two 13W T5 tubes, just need to give it a couple of coats of white paint and it will be done. She is now sitting 7cm/3" from the new lights and hopefully this should be enough to keep her going till we get some more sun.

Apart from all this she seems to be doing well if not a bit stretched but i can understand why now if the lights where halogen, felt terrible for putting her through that, but then feel alot better now that i managed to pull of a good save.

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Glad you got the lighting problem sorted bro, she'll love you for that ;-)
Glad you got the lighting problem sorted bro, she'll love you for that ;-)

Thanks Bro, Feeling pretty good about myself for getting it sorted, with limited funds and time. Here's hoping she forgives me and bounce back, still can't believe I have been using halogen lights for the past two years to grow under when weather was bad, nearly kicked my nephews ass last year for trying to grow 3 plants in a wardrobe with halogen lights lol.
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Day 7

Have got the grow box all painted out and then sat it outside for a hour to get a good dry and to air out all the paint fumes. The ganja gods smiled on me and we have actually had some sun, so the whole time i was painting the box my baby was getting a nice tan, which was good as i really did not want her to be sitting with no light for to long.

Am thinking of adding a cardboard door to the front of the box which will be painted white also, was going to leave a couple of cm gap at either the top or bottom to help with air flow into the box, or to cut a square holes in the door for the same reason, am undecided on this at the moment, so any ideas would be great.

Thats about all for now, will leave it with a few pics of the finished box and my baby finally enjoying some sun.

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Day 10

So far so good, she seems to have taken to the new lighting well and continues to grow day by day and to me looks healthy, got a few clear days forcast for the rest of the week so should be getting a few hours of sun through the next few days at least, plus the mornings and after sun goes down in the grow box.

Topped up the soil today, as i fluffed it up so light when i planted her had sunk a bit and also gave me a chance to bury about half of the stem that had stretched due to the old lighting. Gave her the last feed of Root Juice today 4ml/L + 3ml/L of Product X which i am also hoping will help with root development from the freshly buried stem. Next feed will be starting on the Grow+Alg-A-Mic+Product X using the recommended amounts on the Bio Bizz feed chart and keeping the Product X in low amounts.

Third set of leaves are just starting to show to the stage i should be able to count the fingers by tomorrow, over all am happy with the start so far and the use of Root Juice looks to have speed up early development compared to past grows without it.

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Edit: Forgot to add i also managed to check the PH of the runoff today, currently only have a liquid test kit so is not 100% but will do till i get a chance to get a proper meter, PH of the filtered water going in is in the 6.5 to 7 range and runoff showing 6 to 6.5 so to the best of my knowledge all is ok on that front.
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Hey, sounds like everything has been treating you well so far.
Looks like she loves the new light. Definitely a boost in vigor.
Hey, sounds like everything has been treating you well so far.
Looks like she loves the new light. Definitely a boost in vigor.

Thanks Bro,

Yeah she is looking alright for 10 days and my retarded mistake lol.
Day 11

Not much to update on growth today, she is still moving along nicely and can just about count the five fingers on her third set of leaves now.

Found two higher powered new T5 HO bulbs in my storage, so have swapped out the old unbranded 14W T5 6400K bulbs with the new Phillips 24W T5 HO 6400K, the new bulbs where about 3cm longer than the older ones but managed open up one end of the tube holder and get the extra length needed to fit the bulbs.

The amount of extra light was instantly visible, left them running for a hour as a test and they are creating a bit more heat but nothing to extreme and i can still touch the bulb for over a minute without it even being uncomfortable.

Lets just hope this is not a case of if it aint broke dont fix it.

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