New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Strain - Sweet Tooth Auto, Barneys Farm

- Bio Bizz Light Mix

Pot Size
- 11 litre (3 gallon)

- Bio Bizz Grow+Bloom

- Ain THC Neem, foliar sprayed every 10-15 days as a preventative for bugs

- Inside large south facing glass door, underfloor heating keeps the roots nice and warm. 2-3 hours in the morning under a cooker stove/hood with 3 built in CFL lights put out a nice bit of heat as well. When weather permits outside on south facing terrace, receives 7-10 hours of direct sunlight.

This is my first journal and my first time growing this strain, have with reasonable success in the past growing Big Bang Auto and Auto Bomb from Greenhouse Seeds under the same conditions and time of the year.

The grow is going to start of inside and hopefully as weather permits will be moved outside. The seed is has currently been germinating for 24 hours using the paper towel method, inside two small plates, on top of a cooker hood with built in lights that keep the hood nice and warm.

Once the seed pops i will be putting it straight into the 11 litre pot, with the Bio Bizz light mix where they will remain, with only water being given when needed for the first 2-3 weeks, and after that will start off with a weak mix of the grow nutes increasing the amount as and when needed.

Weather here is not great for the next month or so, for that reason the plants will be inside until weather allows then to be moved outside onto the terrace, due to space restrictions and cost i dont have a indoor setup available, but the following method has worked in the past for the above mentioned strains with ok results and produces enough to keep me in bud till a harvest later in the year.

Plants will start off with light from 3 CFLs that are built into the cooker hood for the first couple of hours in the mornings and are then moved in front of a large south facing glass terrace door which receives 6 hours of direct sunlight, on the days the weather allows it which should be most in about a months time they will be moved onto the south facing terrace receiving about 7-10 hours of direct light as the days get longer and back inside for the night till about the last 3-4 weeks when the weather would have improved enough to leave them out all night.

Thats it for now, will get some pics up once she sprouts (day 1), and then will continue from there with weekly updates/pics.

Take it easy and happy growing.:stylez rasta smoke:

I was reading over this grow, I have 5 of the Barneys Sweet Tooth. My next run will either be Sweet Tooth, Mohan Ram or Cream Carmel all auto's... I got the Sweet Tooth for the High CBD and Medium THC.. How was the smoke from it?
I was reading over this grow, I have 5 of the Barneys Sweet Tooth. My next run will either be Sweet Tooth, Mohan Ram or Cream Carmel all auto's... I got the Sweet Tooth for the High CBD and Medium THC.. How was the smoke from it?

Hi bro hope all is well.

The Sweet Tooth in this grow was taken a little early and was quite a racy but all round weak smoke, the second one however matured lots better and was great pain meds with deep relaxation through the muscles and works wonders on my dodgy shoulder, recreational value is 0 really though with this strain as it does not really as much get you high, but if you are after top shelf pain meds this is a good strain just watch out for them not autoing like in Tim Taylors grow.
That is what I be after is some pain relief and relaxation lol, This LSD I have in here now is THC of 24% and a CBD of 1.3 I cannot wait to smoke that.. The Aurora Indica I got from Nirvana I really don't know anything about it except that it is a 90/10 ratio but it does have listed that it had medical props as well. They are both photos... So hopefully all goes well. Do you have any Idea what you are gonna do next run?
They both sound like nice strains and the % on that LSD are insane, i will be following along to see how they turn out for sure any ideas of when you are going 12/12 and into flowering.

Have just started off another Deep Blue C and a SODK x Alien that are in Week 3 in the Mephisto forum, after that at the beginning of the new year will be running a couple of photos from a local breeders collective that are more Sativa leaning than my normal grows for a bit of a change.
That is cool, and as far as flowering goes.. today they are 25 days so I am hoping by day 30 ATLEAST they show some pistols and as soon as that first set pops up I am going to start them on 4-26-26 SeaGrow and flip the switch to 12/12. Now for the veg light cycle I have been running 16 on and 8 off which is not the typical 18/6. For flowering I was thinking of doing 14/10 instead of 12/12..... BUT this is my first photo grow and I do not know if I want to mess with what has been proven lol so I may just stay 12/12. I have to go away for a couple of days until Thursday night probably so I am hoping when I get back they will have some hairs.
Cool sounds like you have got a solid plan then bro, keep in mind though not all photos show pistils in veg some wont till you flip them to 12/12 or 11/13 and then still can take a couple of days to weeks depending on strain and veg time, you also wont see any major stretch as in the pre flower stage of autos till you make the switch, so all worth having in mind when it comes to when and space.