Outdoor Buzzard Tests Some Cannabis Breeders Club Seeds

Day 51 for the WokStar girls. They are chugging along and moving into flower mode. I noticed a few leaves with some random holes chewed a bit but not seeing any infestations of any sort. Pots have had pot poppers added and they seem to have kept the bugs in check. Will wait for the buds to swell a bit before top dressing again but will probably give them a little molasses in their water and maybe throw a small scoop of worm castings in as well. I still haven't got around to mulching them but it really hasn't been that hot so evaporation hasn't been an issue. I will probably wait until I do the next top dress and then mulch them with some clean straw. So far a trouble free grow other than the weather. A few days of sun and heat would sure help make them jump.
Thanks for stopping by to check us out........... :growing:
Looking good out there. Do you expect them to get much taller?
I would think they will gain another foot or so. I left them natural and did no topping or training. Mango Smile is one of the parents and the ones I have grown have all been fairly tall. Not sure what to expect outdoors as I usually grow indoors and in coco.