New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Ok checked the humidity in the jars last night after being closed up for half a day and was at 67%, so left the lid off over night and was at 55% this morning and after being closed up for a couple of hours 61%, will check again a couple of time though the day and leave the lid off over one more night once the humidity is stable at 58%-60% jar closed, will tape a Boveda pack in there for long term storage. Was the idea for the two jars one big 1.3L for the main stash with a boveda pack and left unopened as much as possible and one small 0.3L to keep my smoking stash to stop me from opening the big jar to much and disturbing the cure, the sugar leaves kept great in there while the main harvest was drying and were a nice potent smoke that got alot more of a head stone the longer they were in there.






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Them buds look nice and tight pal with a good colour, fck ime gasping for a smoke after seeing ya stash :)
Them buds look nice and tight pal with a good colour, fck ime gasping for a smoke after seeing ya stash :)

Yeah they are still nice and solid and seemed to have retained some good weight so reckon i should just get 1oz, will give them a few days in the jar at 62% and post a final dry weight then.

Would post you a spliff but after spending some time in the past on a certain darkweb market places forum weed in the mail always ends in tears, but if you ever in Spain would be more than happy to hook you up. No worries your girls are going great and its going to be time before you know it, my grow this time round already seems so much quicker and calmer, just due to the fact i have bud in jars.

Keep on doing what you doing mate is working well ;)
Yeah they are still nice and solid and seemed to have retained some good weight so reckon i should just get 1oz, will give them a few days in the jar at 62% and post a final dry weight then.

Would post you a spliff but after spending some time in the past on a certain darkweb market places forum weed in the mail always ends in tears, but if you ever in Spain would be more than happy to hook you up. No worries your girls are going great and its going to be time before you know it, my grow this time round already seems so much quicker and calmer, just due to the fact i have bud in jars.

Keep on doing what you doing mate is working well ;)

That will be a great result then if she finishes of at that, is she a sog contender for the future? ime guessing she would grow much bigger in a bigger pot. its strange i am seeing grows that i have followed all coming to there end now and hell it has gone quick, if i hadn't of hummmmed and arrrrded at the beginning i could have been sat here now with some smoke.
Going to spain sounds good we could go see the mephisto lads, ille have to get of the sick and a job first lol
That will be a great result then if she finishes of at that, is she a sog contender for the future? ime guessing she would grow much bigger in a bigger pot. its strange i am seeing grows that i have followed all coming to there end now and hell it has gone quick, if i hadn't of hummmmed and arrrrded at the beginning i could have been sat here now with some smoke.
Going to spain sounds good we could go see the mephisto lads, ille have to get of the sick and a job first lol

Well has been in the jar for 24hrs now at a steady 62% RH, might of taken a couple a grams and put them in the little jar for smoking, so will post a weight tomorrow as will be a couple of days at 62% by then not so sure now if i will squeeze 1oz or not buds are nice and tight but just dont look enough.

Think the pot was fine she finished at 45cm and the breeder site reckons 55cm-65cm and that bend in lst was another 10cm of height taken off, would say more lack of light às she spent most of her adult life under just a 150w cfl the side lights done nothing really and was running 16/8, is why i am changing them out for some cfl shaped led bulbs that put out 2200 lumen each and will be fully adjustable with about 0 extra heat being created, but better than growing nowt which is what i would have been doing if i was waiting for the sun.

I am going to run her again this summer and might do another little pot side by side for a laugh, but i reckon in a 11L pot she could do real well if given decent lighting, could be a 4-5oz yield if grown right i wanna aim for 3-4oz this summer, with the box and sun making up 20/4 lighting.

Yeah but if you did not hummmm and arrrrrrrr you would have not been ready and might have fucked it all up, so better to be ready and start a bit late then you end up with the beauties you got now.
Ok after 48hrs curing dry weight is in did not quite make a 1oz with 26.9g with the bud from my small smoking jar thrown back in. Not much to look at but what is there have got beautiful hard calyxes and are nice chunky frosty buds, is the first auto i have ever grown that was not airy which is am sure is due to having more light available than just 7-10hrs of sun.


looks top draw pal, and a good result considering everything, i would be pleased:clap:
All n all I say bud in jar = success
Yeah is some pretty nice smoke, still needs more time to cure but does alright and pretty potent, can tell it has a good cbd content and does nice for the muscle pain in my arm, nice dreamy head buzz that chills you out nicely but leaves you alert and drifts off after about 2.5 hours to a nice sleepy come down. Cant taste anything at the moment due to a swollen throat left from the flu, but give it a couple of weeks in the jars and me recovered and will finish up with a proper smoke report then.