New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Day 68 The End

Thats it been sitting outside with a joint in the sun chopping away and am done, my fingers are sticking to the keyboard as i type this and i smell great.

Each of the buds was weighed individulay by my cheapo Chinese scale so accuracy not 100%.








Total wet weight 65g + 7.5g(samples) = 72.5g

Now hanging in my outdoor closet to dry.




Collected up a second box of super frosty trim everything in there is 75%-100% covered in trichs.


Scissors scraped down and small bit of hash collected that i got some zoom shots on.





Will update with a dry weight and post a smoke report when it has been cured, enjoyed the ride and thanks everyone who followed along.
Well done pal, its been a pleasure to share the journey :kusht:

Is your stash safe out on the patio? I heard you have a problem with homeless vagrants squatting in the pots.
Thanks mate, The Sour Crack Whore will keep her hands off or the pimp stick will come out.
max:slap:"kudos" scissor hash= reward for a job well done!:Sharing One:
So ya figure about 15-20g dry weight. Not bad for growing in a cardboard box. Is that going to last until the next ones are done? It might last me bout 3 weeks lol
So ya figure about 15-20g dry weight. Not bad for growing in a cardboard box. Is that going to last until the next ones are done? It might last me bout 3 weeks lol

Yeah am more than than happy with it due to the fact was just in the box with under powered lighting for a full grow. Should last till the next lot, only usually smoke once at night and 2-3 times at weekends, i like to guess dry weight as a third so yeah would say 20g-25g or there abouts.
5 days hanging for the harvest now and weighed the the main cola again, not bad still 40% of the harvest weight and only a couple of days to go now they are dry to the touch, just waiting for the stems to crack a bit and into the jars, got my Boveda packs ready and will post a final weight after a 1 week cure. Have managed to leave the buds untouched and not smoked a thing, the suger leaf is plenty strong enough and gonna keep me going a while longer no problem.

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Buds are all in the tightvac container now, just put a RH meter in there and will check it in a hour or so if it is over 65% will pop the lid for 10mins or so each day until i get it down a bit or if it is under 65% will get a Boveda pack taped to the lid and leave it to start a cure.