New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Day 11 (Update)

After a bit of research and thinking, have scrapped the idea of the new bulbs and gone back to what i was running before, from what i found out was not a good idea for a few reasons that i will point out below and would not recommend anyone who is reading this to try the same.

- The standard output T5 fixture is not suitable for a high output T5 bulb, a high output fixture though is fine to use with a standard output bulb.

- Even though the high output bulb will light up and appear to be putting out more light, there will be variations in the light spectrum, which will make a high output bulb in a standard fixture less efficient in terms of growing.

- The life of a high output bulb in a standard fixture is significantly shortened.

- Most important the safety aspect, although the bulb only seems to run slightly hotter the heat increase inside the built in ballast in the cheaper fixtures can get high enough to cause solder to weaken and run the chance of the electricty arcing and causing a fire.

Looks like i was right with if its not broken dont fix it, she was doing and still is doing well under the old bulbs, and no matter how much i care for my plants i am not willing to run the risk of fire with my wife and daughter living under the same roof as my grow.
Day 12

What a perfect start to the weekend, woke up to the birds singing and not a cloud in the sky, so today looks to be her first full day of sun, kept her under the lights till 1pm when she was moved into the sun and there will stay till it goes down, then back under the lights for her till the morning. Looking at the forcast for next next few days and looks to be sunny and clear till the 28th, so should be more of the same for her for a few days.

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Day 14

Not much to report really, growth still seems to be going well and she looks to be enjoying her time in the sun, getting about 4 hours a day at the moment and then back under the lights. Would say the rate she is growing at this time is about a new set of leaves every 2-3 days, so things starting to speed up a bit, also if you get your nose real close and have a good sniff am starting to get a sweet smell.

Well thats about all for her, going to get her first feed of grow nutes in a couple of days, so unless anything goes bad will update then.

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Happy Growing

She´s loving that winter sunshine bro - what a healthy and happy looking girl!
She´s loving that winter sunshine bro - what a healthy and happy looking girl!

Thanks bro,

She is the healthiest auto i have ever grown so far for the stage she is at, hope you are getting your problems under control and finish of your beautys soon.
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Very nice young plants you got there, best of luck to your grow.
Cant believe i am saying this in this part of the world this time of the year, but the sun behind the glass may be a bit to much, from the 21.5c-23c (71f-73.5f) she gets with lights on in the box, the temps are upto 31c-32c (88f-89.5f) in the sun. She seems to be taking it well but may very well have to move her back under the lights, till the time comes she can get some direct sun outside.
Cant believe i am saying this in this part of the world this time of the year, but the sun behind the glass may be a bit to much, from the 21.5c-23c (71f-73.5f) she gets with lights on in the box, the temps are upto 31c-32c (88f-89.5f) in the sun. She seems to be taking it well but may very well have to move her back under the lights, till the time comes she can get some direct sun outside.

Its bloody freezing where I am mate - well, its about 10ºc which is freezing in my book! I picked the wrong part of Spain to move to!
Its bloody freezing where I am mate - well, its about 10ºc which is freezing in my book! I picked the wrong part of Spain to move to!

About the same as here then, but thats warm for us at the moment, heading back down to 2-3ºc in a couple of days with snow forcast for the weekend. Hopefully that will be it for the cold after that though, or i can see problems on the horizan with the wife as there are going to be some strong smells coming out of the study very soon lol.

Murcia is the place to be for some good outdoor grows though, get a photo that will take high temps well, stick her straight into the ground early in the year and come october you will have a 2.5m-3m monster with colas as thick as your leg.
Cant believe i am saying this in this part of the world this time of the year, but the sun behind the glass may be a bit to much, from the 21.5c-23c (71f-73.5f) she gets with lights on in the box, the temps are upto 31c-32c (88f-89.5f) in the sun. She seems to be taking it well but may very well have to move her back under the lights, till the time comes she can get some direct sun outside.

Think a lot of plants can take up to 36°c and over. Think about it there's a lot of cannabis growing in Africa where temperature's can get over 50°c easily growing in full sun and those plants can get 4m and over! The main cause of heat stress (I think) is going from lower temps to higher temps too fast or getting too close to a warm lamp that's warmer then the temperatures the overal plant is experiencing, but that's just me speculating. :D