New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Think a lot of plants can take up to 36°c and over. Think about it there's a lot of cannabis growing in Africa where temperature's can get over 50°c easily growing in full sun and those plants can get 4m and over! The main cause of heat stress (I think) is going from lower temps to higher temps too fast or getting too close to a warm lamp that's warmer then the temperatures the overal plant is experiencing, but that's just me speculating. :D

Thanks for the insight bro, will keep on giving her a bit of sun at a time and get her used to it, well thats if we get anymore anytime soon. You for sure have a point though as its when she first gets the sun the leaves cup a bit and after a while they flatten out more.
Day 17

Got a bit to report today, no problem though and overall am still happy with the progress she is making.

So she has received her first grow feed which was Product X 3ml/L + Bio Grow 2ml/L + Alg-A-Mic 2ml/L, only feed 1 litre of water as soil was not really dry enough for more, still got a little bit of runoff which i tested with the liquid test kit and is still somewhere on the higher end of between PH 6 and PH 6.5.

Also have performed my first ever L.S.T as i think she will be outgrowing the box before i get her outside, think i got it right but have a couple of questions.

# Does the angle look enough, i could go a bit more but thats as comfortable as i felt doing it for now.
# How long to keep her tied down, is it best to leave her like it or to untie at some point. Is tied using a slipknot and held with clips so will be easy to adjust the size of the know and loosen off more string from the clip.

I am also pre-empting the smell, as she is starting to get oh so sweet already, have ordered "The Neutralizer" and should be here tommorow, when the time comes when it will be needed i will post a thread on AFN with how well it is working, won best European product at Growmed 2013 so have some faith in it, also thanks to The Groff on mentioning in a post the other day, managed to get it for less than the retail price from them including 24hr shipping.

Thats it for now will leave it with before and after pics of her L.S.T

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Day 17

Got a bit to report today, no problem though and overall am still happy with the progress she is making.

So she has received her first grow feed which was Product X 3ml/L + Bio Grow 2ml/L + Alg-A-Mic 2ml/L, only feed 1 litre of water as soil was not really dry enough for more, still got a little bit of runoff which i tested with the liquid test kit and is still somewhere on the higher end of between PH 6 and PH 6.5.

Also have performed my first ever L.S.T as i think she will be outgrowing the box before i get her outside, think i got it right but have a couple of questions.

# Does the angle look enough, i could go a bit more but thats as comfortable as i felt doing it for now.
# How long to keep her tied down, is it best to leave her like it or to untie at some point. Is tied using a slipknot and held with clips so will be easy to adjust the size of the know and loosen off more string from the clip.

I am also pre-empting the smell, as she is starting to get oh so sweet already, have ordered "The Neutralizer" and should be here tommorow, when the time comes when it will be needed i will post a thread on AFN with how well it is working, won best European product at Growmed 2013 so have some faith in it, also thanks to The Groff on mentioning in a post the other day, managed to get it for less than the retail price from them including 24hr shipping.

Thats it for now will leave it with before and after pics of her L.S.T

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Looks good mate - check out the grow diary by Grim Reefer here: for some outrageous LST!

Tell me more about The Neutralizer - I´m very intrigued (actually forget that, I´ll google it!!)
Looks good mate - check out the grow diary by Grim Reefer here: for some outrageous LST!

Tell me more about The Neutralizer - I´m very intrigued (actually forget that, I´ll google it!!)

Thanks for the link mate, that is some right hardcore bondage going on there, i love it, dont think i will fit canes like that into my box but is someything i am going to have to try when i get in a outdoor grow.

The L.S.T scared the crap out of me, as i am not known for being the most delicate of people and due to the excess of nicotine snf lack of THC in my body found it hard to keep a steady hand, but got there in the end.

Yeah check out The Neutralizer looks interesting am just hoping it works, is just basicly a expensive mix of essential oils and a delivery system, but got hold of the wifes credit card and ordered it and told her after, seemed only fair as she will be the one to complain about the smell.
Thanks for the link mate, that is some right hardcore bondage going on there, i love it, dont think i will fit canes like that into my box but is someything i am going to have to try when i get in a outdoor grow.

The L.S.T scared the crap out of me, as i am not known for being the most delicate of people and due to the excess of nicotine snf lack of THC in my body found it hard to keep a steady hand, but got there in the end.

Yeah check out The Neutralizer looks interesting am just hoping it works, is just basicly a expensive mix of essential oils and a delivery system, but got hold of the wifes credit card and ordered it and told her after, seemed only fair as she will be the one to complain about the smell.

Hahaha - I wish my missus had a credit card I could get my hands on - she works on the principal of whats mine is hers, and whats hers is hers lol!

I hope it works for you - I think I would be too paranoid without a carbon filter (but I´m in an apartment block).

I´m also starting to think we were separated at birth - both ex-pats in Spain growing auto´s. I too am very heavy handed and rely on significant amounts of nicotine to get me through the day (I use an ecig now though!).
Hahaha - I wish my missus had a credit card I could get my hands on - she works on the principal of whats mine is hers, and whats hers is hers lol!

I hope it works for you - I think I would be too paranoid without a carbon filter (but I´m in an apartment block).

I´m also starting to think we were separated at birth - both ex-pats in Spain growing auto´s. I too am very heavy handed and rely on significant amounts of nicotine to get me through the day (I use an ecig now though!).

:crying: Don't they all mate, but once it was done it was done and choose 24hr shipping and told here once it was marked shipped, and to be fair on her she was pretty cool about it.

Well will give it a spin and see how it works and report back here for sure, manufacturer even offers a money back guarantee if it don't remove the smell, but we all know that can mean sweet fa sometimes. Am in a apartment also, but only have 2 near neighbours and ones a coke head and the other scared to look me in the eye, not sure why have never been threatening towards him.

Stranger things have happened bro lol, tried giving up the cigs and all was going well got down to 2 a day, just replaced it with either weed in a vape or pipe. But as soon as I went dry, was back upto 20 a day in a week. Hoping to grow enough this year to give up for good, so will have to see how it goes.
Day 17 (Update)

She seems to have taken to the L.S.T well and is already twisting back up towards the light, really amazes me how fast she can adapt after something like that, managed to pull her down about 1cm more and thats it for now just going to leave her to be and let her do her thing, still keep getting a horrible picture in my head each time i open the grow room door, that i am going to see her snapped in half or sitting there roots up.

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Ohhh ummmm yayyyyy looks like we got some pistil action going on, a bit to early to tell for sure but will do by my next proper update, along with some pics.
:crying: Don't they all mate, but once it was done it was done and choose 24hr shipping and told here once it was marked shipped, and to be fair on her she was pretty cool about it.

Well will give it a spin and see how it works and report back here for sure, manufacturer even offers a money back guarantee if it don't remove the smell, but we all know that can mean sweet fa sometimes. Am in a apartment also, but only have 2 near neighbours and ones a coke head and the other scared to look me in the eye, not sure why have never been threatening towards him.

Stranger things have happened bro lol, tried giving up the cigs and all was going well got down to 2 a day, just replaced it with either weed in a vape or pipe. But as soon as I went dry, was back upto 20 a day in a week. Hoping to grow enough this year to give up for good, so will have to see how it goes.

Ecigs mate - I went from 30 a day for 25 odd years to nothing on the day I bought my first ecig. Makes quitting so easy its untrue!
Hey dude - nice work. So is Spain the UKs version of Florida?