New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Day 23

Snowing outside been out walking in blizzards, but been clear and she got another good dose of sun today, now she is getting bigger takes the heat from the sun behind the glass alot better and does not show any signs of heat stress anymore, i am going to use the combination of the box and sunlight in future grows this spring/summer, to start out seedlings in for the first few weeks, and also to extend the hours of light the plants receive in the mornings before sun is in sight and once it goes down in the evenings, i think the combo of lights and sun will help in increasing yields.

A few pics of her enjoying the sun.

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She is getting some sun time today again, took a light reading of the sun out of boredom with a Android light meter, the reading was 114000 lux which works out at 1432566.25 lumens over a square meter, no wonder outdoor plants grow so well natures light is the best available when it comes to canna growing.
Day 26

Feeding time again today, with 1L mix again with Product X 3ml/L, Grow 3ml/L, AlgAMic 2ml/L and ProCal 0.75ml/L. Decided to up the Grow from 2ml/L to 2ml/L and has seemed to help with the pale coloured newer growth, will also be adding ProCal (CalMg) at 1 ml/L every other feed from now on.

Growth is continuing at a good speed, with daily adjustments to the fan leaves opening up the lower canopy, looks to me that there are going to be 3-4 extra colas growing up from the lower canopy, that are less than a week of being level with the existing main cola.

Continuing to put out new pistils and smell is increasing, would day she is just about starting her preflower stretch and all seems to be moving nicely, getting a few more sunny days now and she is getting as much as possible with the lights now being used a supplement, when is cloudy and mornings and evenings.

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Have thought about them in the past, but was not really sure how effective it would really be due to the large amount i smoke, but after hearing that i am gonna have to give them a try for sure.

Hahaha thats a good one, the south is actually full of expats and a popular holiday destination for sure, so i suppose in a way you could put it like that.

Ok define "expats". My Spanish experience is limited to the area around the U.S. navel base in the south and Palma.

Don´t tease us bro haha!

And if you want to look into ecigs, I can hook you up with some decent info. Let me know and I´ll pm you some stuff!

I tried Ecigs, they really do help. Went from 30 a day down to 2-4 a day. Then I changed jobs to one where smoking was ok and ecigs were impractical. Back up to 15-20 a day.

Thanks mate, whenever you get a chance is much appreciated.

Yeah was a bit nervous at first, but seemed the right time as it needed to be done and the stem was still thin enough to play with, gets a bit addictive after a while though and am starting to get very anal about where each fan leaf is heading, been in there with a light meter trying to get the highest possible reading at every point of the canopy.

Bought back many memories of a ex of mine, but shhhh dont tell the misses :brow:

Getting into a little bondage I see. Next you'll be breaking out the whips and chains. lol Bend her over in clover, bend her over in the clover and do it again.
Day 29

Ok all still moving along nicely, have just started measuring her and is growing at about 2.5cm-3cm over a day, so i would say just into her last stretch. Have untied most of the stems and leaves now, except for the main string that was bending the main stem down, this still has about 1cm i can go down then in about a week will come off. Just tucking fan leaves now and have four side branches that i seem to have trained up and are growing out nicely now from the rest of the canopy.

Have damaged about 4-5 fan leaves during the tieing, and i think the use of the Alg A Mic has help greatly in the recovery, i even broke my leaf removing rule and removed the bottom two single fingered leaves as they where touching the soil and the first node set that comes of them, and a top fan leaf that i derformed in training, and this did not even faze her she kept on growing at the same rate.

Fed her today with 1L mix again of 2mg/L Grow and 2mg/L Alg A mic, have also changed the water supply this feed, no more filtered water and now using it direct from the tap sat out for 48hrs in a large glass bowl. Decided the filter was removing to many good minerals from the water and the water here looking to be pretty good.

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Day 31

Feed time again today, she is getting alot more thirsty now. This time was Product X 3ml/L, Grow 2.5ml/L, AlgAMic 2ml/L and ProCal 1ml/L ,next feed will be the last of Product X as the sample has now ran out. Will be changing to bloom feeds in about 1.5-2 weeks, and have got some General Organics Bio Bud to add in with the Bio Bizz Grow, Bloom, AlgAMic and the Green Planet ProCal. Also got a chance to test PH know its not such a issue with organics, but need to every now and then for a piece of mind, water sat out for 48+ hours, lightly aerated PH 7-7.5 runoff 6-6.5 with a liquid test kit.

Growth seems steady now at 2cm a day, notice about 50% more growth on the days when shes getting some sun. She is also starting to smell real sweet now, and cant wait to open the room door in the mornings and get a nice big sniff, would day its going to be about another week and the i will have to test out The Neutralizer and see if it works as well as it is supposed to in controling grow smells.

Thats it for now, in 3-4 days the next grow feed and will see how she is looking then.

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Looking really nice mate, organic rocks!
hey Spanglish. great grow you got going on. I'm late as usual these day's. I tried the e-cig's but not much luck. but like the plant's each of us react's differently. awesome LST job.