New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Hey El Sam, thanks bro not going to bad, the LST done its job and kept her small enough for now, still gonna outgrow the box though so have got a plan in action, to get her a new home ASAP.

Gonna give the ecigs a go, have got some great advice from Alwaysautos and am ready to go for it, getting to old and gotta start making some changes for the better. Hey Always mate you should open up a thread for ecig advice, am sure there would be a few people here that would benefit from it.

Happy Growing
hey, snaglish my friend! Sorry I have not been here in a week or so. All caught up now lol.
Looks like you got her on lock man. She is looking pretty fly, if I say so myself.
Glad you got help with your early on deficiencies. Easy to take care of if you jump on it right when it starts. I got a girl doing the same thing. I kinda under fed her. So, Im going to have to spray with a light nute mixture.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the development. I like the sun + synthetic light combo. Very nice man.

I would like to try it but, most of cali is pretty dry. Plus its been an abnormally warm winter. So, to many spider mites walking around my neck of the woods heh.

Cheers my brother.!:Sharing One:
hey, snaglish my friend! Sorry I have not been here in a week or so. All caught up now lol.
Looks like you got her on lock man. She is looking pretty fly, if I say so myself.
Glad you got help with your early on deficiencies. Easy to take care of if you jump on it right when it starts. I got a girl doing the same thing. I kinda under fed her. So, Im going to have to spray with a light nute mixture.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the development. I like the sun + synthetic light combo. Very nice man.

I would like to try it but, most of cali is pretty dry. Plus its been an abnormally warm winter. So, to many spider mites walking around my neck of the woods heh.

Cheers my brother.!:Sharing One:

Hi Neko buddy,

Thanks yeah she is not going to bad, a bit to fast for her own good (grew another 2cm over the last 24hrs). She has only got 5-7cm more and will have outgrown the box, did not calculate for the pot properly when i was rushing the new lighting.

Have got the following on order, that i hope will be here tomorrow so i can get the new box finished on time, and have a new improved budget box and lighting, to use as my supplemental lighting.

Double Strength 100cmx60cmx40cm Cardboard Box €2.91

Lighthite Diamond Mylar Sheet 2mx1.25m €10.00

Agrolite UFO 22W+32W Flurorescent Light €30.00

2 x 14W 55cm T5 Lights €0.00
Already using and will put on the two side walls for extra side lighting

So for €43 + shipping have got a new budget box and supplemental lighting system, hopefully ready on time. The Mylar is already here and the box for sure tomorrow, just the Agrolite UFO to still be shipped.

Yeah is the great thing about the helpful guys here on AFN, you manage to id a def and treat it early enough does not even seem to affect the plant much, was mainly the lack of CalMg that she was showing waited to long to start adding it and caught up on me, something i have learnt from this grow for the future, to start a week grow feed including CalMg from just after the first week, the foliar feed helped alot for sure with the CalMg problems, as it is so slow to get into the plant through water and the roots, a couple of weak sprays over 3 days got enough in her and kept her happy till the water feed got into the roots and did its job.

She seems to like the light combo and can see faster growth for sure on the days she is given some sun. Yeah we get mites here also, but not till late spring/summer guess there are some advantages of living in cold places, battled them for the past 2 years and was always the winner just using the Cali Clean chilli spray mix with a few of my Habanero peppers, going for the preventative method this year with a neem and citrus oil spray, and removed a vine from my terrace that i found out attracts them, so will see how it goes in my later grows.

Have a good one bro.
:Sharing One:
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Cali Clean chilli spray mix with a few of my Habanero peppers - sounds like he beginnings of a tasty dish. lol She is filling out nicely for you. You got the touch bro.
Cali Clean chilli spray mix with a few of my Habanero peppers - sounds like he beginnings of a tasty dish. lol She is filling out nicely for you. You got the touch bro.

Lol, yeah my kind of dish as hot as possible. But seriously for a small mite infection it works like a dream, have even given light sprays in flower and no harm done, makes your buds a bit spicy though, and just as when having a pee never into the wind, you will regret it for a while lol i speak from experience on that.
Hey, Spanglish. I like the new lighting you ordered. LED + CFL is a very nice combo. Hopefully the box will treat you well.
AFN is a great place. I have learned so much about growing/growing autos. Its awesome. I am definitely indebted to AFN for all the help it provides.

Ive used the cali clean before. Long time ago on my first first grow. Its good stuff.

You know another way to defend against any adventurous mites that want to play jack in the bean stock?

You get a small dab of vassaline (patroleumm jelly) around the lower stock, and any LST ties you have. I remember I got a little bit of a mite problem in the soil on my Girl Scout Cookies but, None were on the plant. If they were..they were stuck in the jelly.:xlaugh::firedevil:

Cheers my friend.
When we meet again.:Sharing One:
Hey, Spanglish. I like the new lighting you ordered. LED + CFL is a very nice combo. Hopefully the box will treat you well.
AFN is a great place. I have learned so much about growing/growing autos. Its awesome. I am definitely indebted to AFN for all the help it provides.

Ive used the cali clean before. Long time ago on my first first grow. Its good stuff.

You know another way to defend against any adventurous mites that want to play jack in the bean stock?

You get a small dab of vassaline (patroleumm jelly) around the lower stock, and any LST ties you have. I remember I got a little bit of a mite problem in the soil on my Girl Scout Cookies but, None were on the plant. If they were..they were stuck in the jelly.:xlaugh::firedevil:

Cheers my friend.
When we meet again.:Sharing One:

Yeah been luking around AFN for about 2 years before i finally made an account lol, there is so much great info here and have learnt a little bit over the past 2 years.

Yeah caliclean is great, just dont get it in your eyes hahaha good idea to cover youe nose and mouth also, although i like the burn in the throat from it, but i am a chilli nut this is one of my favorites and put it on just about everything

Thanks for the mite tip did not know that one, will give it a try if i get them again, hoping the neem and citrus oil will keep them away and the removal of the Black Eyed Susan vine that seemed to be a mite magnet.
Wow Spanglish and Neko - two great tips for me to file away in the bible for future reference. Slaps for both of you lads.
Day 35

Ok, the new box is finished minus the Agrolite UFO CFL as i got a call from the shop yesterday saying it has been discontinued, have now ordered a Agrolite 150W Dual Spectrum CFL and reflector, which is being shipped today with free 24hr shipping. Have put the old T5s back into the top of the new box for now, as when i woke up this morning the pistils on the main cola where touching the top of the box, luckily lights where off. Once the new light arrives will be mounting that into the top of the box, and if there is enough space i have also ordered 2 x 18W Double T5HO light fittings to give me 4 T5s for side lighting.



2015-02-17 12.30.10.jpg 2015-02-17 13.23.01.jpg 2015-02-17 13.23.53.jpg 2015-02-17 13.32.56.jpg

She also got another feed today with a 1L mix with 2.5ml/L Grow + 2ml/L AlgAMic only fed 500ml of the mix, as the soil is still a bit damp, but from the next feed on it will be 1L at a time if not more as she is getting alot more thirsty now. She is still growing well by the looks of it, i have added my last few days measurements below, i am guessing one more feed in 3 days time and then another 3-4 days after, then will be switching to bloom feeds.

Weather has been crap for a week now so she has only been under the lights, but is looking to be getting better and she is in the sun today and should be for the next 3-4 days at least looking at the weeks forecast.

Last 8 Days Growth
18cm 11/2 20cm 12/2 20.5cm 13/2 22cm 14/2 23.5cm 15/2 25.5cm 16/2 27cm 17/2 29.5cm

2015-02-17 12.48.16.jpg 2015-02-17 12.48.33.jpg 2015-02-17 12.48.44.jpg 2015-02-17 12.49.14.jpg 2015-02-17 12.49.58.jpg 2015-02-17 13.34.02.jpg
Been a boring morning, so made up this video montage of the grow so far, if you are a fan of Pete Tosh turn the volume up loud.
