New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Dude your rockin brotha. She lookin good too. What you did with your cab is amazing!!

Thanks Bro,

She going ok, the best auto I grown by this stage for sure, but then again the first time have gone into a grow properly.

Cheap and cheerful box, here's hoping it gets the job done just got to try and not to tweak it to much more and end up f***king the while thing up lol.
Im def watching your grow my man. Im gonna pop a sweet tooth here soon. Your journal im definatly gonna follow. Love how your so detailed bro. That helps alot of noobs and pros. Trust me. Your doin awesome
Day 39

Fair bit to report today, she has had the last any of the big leaves that where blocking out light to the buds tied back with strng when possible and a couple tucked out the way, all budsites are now exposed to the max.

Any leaves in the way that could not be tucked or tied have been snipped off, along with any lower new growth and uselss budsites that where showing 1 or 2 pistils. I know that trimming autos NO NO NO, but i personaly think that a controled clean up can be benficial, just dont touch any major fan leaves (tie or tuck them) and dont cut any suger leaves with THC starting to form on them, the bottom node or two for me can just go, but leave the big fans that are with them, unless they are touching soil (this goes for any other fan leaves)

She got what will be her last grow feed and the last of Product X as the sample is gone, this time it was Product X 2ml/L +Grow 3ml/L +AlgAMic 2ml/L + CalmMg 1mlL + General Organics Bio Bud 1ml/L, this was a 1 litre feed am going to have start increasing the 2nd week feed to 1L from now on instead of 500ml as for the first time i got a wet dry cycle between feeds this time, and maybe soon will be 3 1L feeds per week. Added the 1/3rd stength Bio Bud to get her ready for the switch to bloom feeds, that will be coming in 4 days or so, where i will back off the grow by 0.5ml/L and go in with 3ml/L full strength bloom and 3ml/ Bio Bud, increasing the Bud upto 4-5ml/L over a couple of weeks, along with the 2ml/L AlgAMic, and every other feed 1ml/L CalMg.

Box seems to be working well, well its not collapsed yet lol, and when checking it with a light meter i got about 13000 lumens a sqft supplemental light on to top of the sun we are getting, that seems to getting warmer, longer and more intense the UV ratings have just gone up a point here.

Here is her past few days growth, will be interesting over the next couple of days if the trim effects growth at all.

18/2 31.5cm 19/2 34cm 20/2 36cm 21/2 38.5cm

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She looks great man. Yea, Ive always been told to not cut. Though, I have cut a little here and there before. Usually for the same stated reasons you put down. Like leaves touching dirt..or I want to inprove aeration under the plant. Ive never cut off fan leaves to help light penetration. Just usually stick to tucking as much as I can. Im interested to see your results. Im sure it would really effect it much. If at all. Someone in faded's thread was saying, they think maybe the newer auto strains of today(vs a few years ago), are much more hardy. So, they are less sensitive to abuse/stress. I think this might be the case. I barely started growing auto's last year though.
She looks great man. Yea, Ive always been told to not cut. Though, I have cut a little here and there before. Usually for the same stated reasons you put down. Like leaves touching dirt..or I want to inprove aeration under the plant. Ive never cut off fan leaves to help light penetration. Just usually stick to tucking as much as I can. Im interested to see your results. Im sure it would really effect it much. If at all. Someone in faded's thread was saying, they think maybe the newer auto strains of today(vs a few years ago), are much more hardy. So, they are less sensitive to abuse/stress. I think this might be the case. I barely started growing auto's last year though.

Well did not seem to slow groth at all, she was at 39.5cm this morning at that was after having about 15 bits of leaves and low growth removed. Thats it now wont cut again, have tied and tucked some of the bigger leaves, and used string to raise the side branches so the main flower growth for each branch is at the top of the canopy, level with the main cola.

Just CFL and sunlight and flower feeds all the way to the end now, training stops dont want to stress her and herm, and the shape is there. Time to pile on the weight now.
Yea, Im sure it will benefit your overall harvest in the end.
I think I recall someone saying another reason to try to trim of none or as little as possible. Was because, twards the end of flowering when you are feeding just water. It will eat up nutes out of the fan leaves to increase resin production/etc. So, its better to leave on as much as possible.
Yeah have read that, then took into consideration that i am using organics i will proberly only Flush last 3-5 days. The Alg A Mic seems to help her get over any stress related to this and all through the bending, trimming, tearing of leaves it did not phase her, so is either that or genetics, but she recovers amazingly each time.

Next feed will drop the grow a bit and add low bloom and bio bud, along with alg a mic, and then calmg every other feed. Then on to full bloom feeds till the last week with a couple of days flush. Wont be long till feed now, finally got a nice wet dry cycle going, not sure if it is becuase she is bigger or the extras light, along with the fast it inceases heat by about 4c to 26c, with it staying about 19-21 lights off, no humidity reader so cant tell on that:(

Well the light penertration and shape is there now, along with still lots of her leaves, most the big fans are on the lower canopy below budsites and have not been touched as they shade nothing. Time to sit back, let her pile on the pounds and hope for a chunky bitch mmmmmmmm, think i might call her Kim K lol
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Ok so growth this morning was up to 40.5cm, so the two days while the trimming took place growth slowed to 1cm a day instead of the 2-2.5cm a day while left alone.

This could be that she is coming to the end of the pre flower stretch or the adding of bloom stimulator. But now she is being left alone, if growth looks to increase again it could be proof that it was very very minor stress from the trimming, which would show selective trimming (not hacking your off all your leaves, and thinking about the condition, place and efficiency of what you remove) does not stress the plant enough to hurt growth and be beneficial in overall yield. If she continues to slow this means nothing and maybe is doe not stress enough to affect growth at all.

This can also depend on strain, conditions etc. But as a rule i only remove leaves that show tears or damage, touch the soil, block out sufficient light bud sites, remove anything by this stage that is showing only 1 or 2 pistils, remove all growth from bottom first node (leaving the big fans on seperate stems) and depending on growth the same for second node set. I NEVER remove any of the big fan leaves (the ones that grow from seperate stems to the secondery bud sites) these can be tucked, or tied with twisty ties from sandwich bags ( can even tie 2-3 big leaves together like a big pony tail, to close up growth and greatly increase light penentration).

If you look at a plant when it finshes up you see the lower fans yellow first, then slowly working its way up the plant, so the upper bigger leaves that are the ones the affect the light to main colas, are the last to be used when the left up feed it being taken from the leaves, sometime there is even green in these leave when you harvest, so they have been used to nothing and just took up space and blocked up some light.

I think this is best done over the space of 2-3 days in the last week or so of pre flower, as you get a good idea of where your bud growth is going to be and if its worth keeping. Also the stems for bending and tucking seem easier to manipulate than if they where in full flower, and i think even this smaller stress then could cause some hermies. Spreading it out over a few days would reduce stress in the plant giving her time to recover and not affect her growth in to much in any way.

Also when feeding with Alg A Mic she seems to heal and respond to stress very well, am sure any sea weed based supplement will do the same, also make the leaves feel strong and velvety.

DISCLAIMER : Lol this is all based on my personal views and finding, there is no science backing any of this, and alot of the finding where considered and processed while the mind was under the effect of herbal based medicine, and was in a extremely colourful. I cannot be responsible for what anyone does with this information, if you kill your prized Somatic NYC Diesel i am sorry but is not my fucking fault. Please just take this as educational shit and dont blame me for anything.
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Day 42

Is feeding time at the zoo, growth is continuing at 1cm-0.5cm a day so seems to be slowing (still not sure if is stress related as per above) but either way it is about time now anyways.

Switched this feed to the first of the bloom feeds, the mix was 1L and is Grow 2.5ml/L + AlgAMic 2ml/L + Bio Bud 3ml/L + Bloom 2.5ml/L + CalMg 1ml/L , i always like to as a first bloom feed bring it in weaker i back off the grow from what i have been giving in veg a bit and add slightly lower than normal bloom nutes, no proof to it but i like to think this helps her make the transition easier, also as at this stage she is drinks more i only add CalMg every other feed.

For anyone who is interested and more importantly me incase my stoned mind forgets the next part of my feed plan, from the next feed and all others till Week 10 (days 22-24) it will be Grow 3ml/L + AlgAMic 2ml/L + Bio Bud 4ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + CalMg 1ml/L (every other feed), then one week of Bloom 4ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L, and then final 3-5 days flush plain water 1L per day.

Got a chance to check runoff again today, bearing in mind this is with a liquid test kit and had to adjust for colouration of the water it came out at between 6.5-7.

Last few days growth.

22/2 39.5cm 23/2 40.5cm 24/2 41cm

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Looking real good dude. Loved the video. Did you use the double thick wall cardboard box?