New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Thanks Dazed,

She is not going to be the biggest or the best, but then conditions have been less than perfect. But have learnt even more this time round and have got a few things that i will changing for the next grow. But am happy with how the box turned out and am very confident that with full days of sun + extra hours under the light is going to bump up the yields greatly compared to past outdoor harvests.

Peace and happy growing

:Sharing One:
Your girl is looking good Spanglish. Hopefully she will be like most women and plump up a bit as she ages. lol
Thats a great one Duckster :Haha:i always had a thing for the chunky chicks so here is hoping.
Whens the update coming pal , i want to look at a real plant instead of my soil lol
Whens the update coming pal , i want to look at a real plant instead of my soil lol

lol, gonna post in a couple of hours. Have done the feed for today and taken some pics, also been a bit naughty and snipped a couple of samples from the lower popcorn buds, the smell was just getting to good and well being out of weed just suck lol, got 3.5 grams wet and plenty of sweet leaf trim to last me now till harvest. Gotta pick up my daughter from nursery now, so will post all after lunch. Patience buddy (lol i am a good one to talk about patience now) she will pop her lil head soon.
Day 56

The weather is finally improving and temps have been for the last week between 20c-23c (68f-73.5f) with a daytime RH of 25%-30%, so for sure i have had her out in the sun as much as possible which is about 6 hours a day at the moment with 2 behind the glass door and 4 out on the terrace and she seems to be loving it. She is still under the light for the rest of the day in mornings and evening/night, is giving me a good idea now on how the sun and box lighting will work through the spring and summer and i reckon is going to increase hugely on the last couple of years auto outdoor grows.

She is starting to bulk up a little bit more and the buds are as hard as stone with some real fat and swollen calyxes with great trich and resin production, still hope over the 2-3 weeks she bulks up somemore and could be a half decent harvest, i reckon under perfect conditions she could be a real good yielder for a short plant, due to the fact of how solid and chunky the buds get, Barneys Farm claim upto 120g-200g and a height of 55-65cm and in the hands of a pro am sure she could do that if not more.

Smell is great still very sweet citrus but is getting alot more of a dank smell to it now, still not to overpowering and with the door closed and a window open is not leaving the grow room, get a faint smell of it in the mornings after a night with the window closed but yumm what a smell to wake up to, dont think the wife agrees though lol.

Feeds have been as follows am using 2L mixes now, but only feeding every 3 days with a not big but reasonable runoff each time and the pots nice and light by the 3rd day.

Day 53 Grow 2ml/L + AlgAMic 2ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + CalMg 1ml/L x 2L
Day 56 Grow 2ml/L + AlgAMic 2ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + CalMg 1ml/L x 2L

Next week will be feeding only the Bio Bud + Bloom for the whole of week 10, and then will will just be PH 7 water for a week looking to harvest at the end of week 11.

2015-03-09 12.29.49.jpg 2015-03-09 12.30.21.jpg 2015-03-09 12.31.17.jpg 2015-03-09 12.33.40.jpg 2015-03-08 17.55.16.jpg 2015-03-08 18.05.02.jpg 2015-03-09 16.27.00.jpg 2015-03-09 16.26.25.jpg
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Scissor hash closeup, managed to get a smokeable amount from two popcorn buds the sugar leaves were leaking resin.






Popcorn bud closeups



Whens the update coming pal , i want to look at a real plant instead of my soil lol

Yeh know what you mean. Just looking at dirt is kind of depressing. Patience my man patience
Looking good Spanglish. Come on chubby chicks!!!! Guess you're counting the days till harvest time now.