New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

:kusht:Looking good...Might say I'm a bit jealous..How my grow half that tasty...

Thanks bro, your grow is looking great and you will seeing frosty buds like these before you know it.
Biggest of the sample buds has dried nicely.


Sun has just gone down, so back in the box she goes. God it smells good in there now, can see the wife being well pleased when she gets home lol, gonna be time to test out The Neutralizer soon me thinks.



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Day 59​

Just a quick mid week update, still bulking up not as fast as i hoped but still got a couple more weeks, smell has lost alot of the citrus now and is just pure classic dank weed smell. Still have not sampled the popcorn buds they have just been sitting in a little jar since they dried and have just started losing that hay smeel that fresh buds seem to have. Smoked some of the sugar leaves a bit earlier today, only about 10 mixed into a spliff and tasted like crap as i expected from fresh leaf trim, but gave me a very nice buzz that lasted about 1hr and resulted in me grabbing the camera and trying badly to gets some artsy shots of frosty buds, hence this impromptu update.

Todays feed 2L mix Grow 2ml/L + AlgAMic 2ml/L + Bio Bud 5ml/L + Bloom 3ml/L + CalMg 1ml/L

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Looking great pal, you should smoke and take pictures more often, is the wife giving you grief about the smell yet, having 5 house cats I am welcoming the waft of any dank weed smells lol, so long as they don't waft too far
Looking great pal, you should smoke and take pictures more often, is the wife giving you grief about the smell yet, having 5 house cats I am welcoming the waft of any dank weed smells lol, so long as they don't waft too far

Thanks bud, guess it is the weed bringing the artistic or autistic side in me will leave that for others to decide lol. Nah she is being real good about it to be fair and seems to be coming around to my growing hobby, has taken over two years but it finally seems to have rubbed in, she even drove me home the other night while having drinks with friends, as i had left the plant outside in the sun and it was getting late and cold, just so i could bring it in.

Dont you worry, you will be having some great smells before you know it, if you are out of bud that is when you are going to find out what real will power is to not just chop her down and smoke the lot lol. Could just rub the cats up against a bud and have them smelling sweet all day ;)
Thanks bud, guess it is the weed bringing the artistic or autistic side in me will leave that for others to decide lol. Nah she is being real good about it to be fair and seems to be coming around to my growing hobby, has taken over two years but it finally seems to have rubbed in, she even drove me home the other night while having drinks with friends, as i had left the plant outside in the sun and it was getting late and cold, just so i could bring it in.

Dont you worry, you will be having some great smells before you know it, if you are out of bud that is when you are going to find out what real will power is to not just chop her down and smoke the lot lol. Could just rub the cats up against a bud and have them smelling sweet all day ;)
Its funny you said that about the wife coming over to your side, mine got up this morning opened the door to the cupboard before she put the heating on, shouted up that they was still alive and what the temps and rh was,we will have them trained yet, told ya ille be pinching bits soon as lol ille leave the Tyrone to fully develop, the sour crack will be lucky if they still have main cola left before they really ready lol
Its funny you said that about the wife coming over to your side, mine got up this morning opened the door to the cupboard before she put the heating on, shouted up that they was still alive and what the temps and rh was,we will have them trained yet, told ya ille be pinching bits soon as lol ille leave the Tyrone to fully develop, the sour crack will be lucky if they still have main cola left before they really ready lol

Yeah we will have them mixing up nutes solutions and doing the trimming before we know it, along with making a breakfast and bedtime joint when needed.

To be honest i dont think this Sweet Tooth is going to end her life that intact, as i reckon once i start on my little sample buds am gonna get the taste for more, but hey said from the beginning this was to keep me in bud till i got the weather for a real grow. Gonna start germing a Sour Crack end of next week and once she needs the light that will be it for my early girl, so off to the growshop on Monday to get a big bag of Light Mix and will take it from there.

Reckon i can get 3 more auto grows and one photo in this year before weather gets bad, getting some Biddy Early photo seeds when i get the soil so that is the photo taken care of, just need to decide now what autos i want to do after the Sour Crack am going to go with Mephistos Auto Triangle Kush for sure and just need to decide now is run another Sweet Tooth in better conditions or to try Auto Somango or Auto Jaggen, the Sweet Tooth has the confirmed good genetics but the other two are a bit of a mystery and for that reason am curious, oh god what a hard life lol to many strains and not enough space/time.
Yeah we will have them mixing up nutes solutions and doing the trimming before we know it, along with making a breakfast and bedtime joint when needed.

To be honest i dont think this Sweet Tooth is going to end her life that intact, as i reckon once i start on my little sample buds am gonna get the taste for more, but hey said from the beginning this was to keep me in bud till i got the weather for a real grow. Gonna start germing a Sour Crack end of next week and once she needs the light that will be it for my early girl, so off to the growshop on Monday to get a big bag of Light Mix and will take it from there.

Reckon i can get 3 more auto grows and one photo in this year before weather gets bad, getting some Biddy Early photo seeds when i get the soil so that is the photo taken care of, just need to decide now what autos i want to do after the Sour Crack am going to go with Mephistos Auto Triangle Kush for sure and just need to decide now is run another Sweet Tooth in better conditions or to try Auto Somango or Auto Jaggen, the Sweet Tooth has the confirmed good genetics but the other two are a bit of a mystery and for that reason am curious, oh god what a hard life lol to many strains and not enough space/time.

Lol i don’t think i would get her to do that, lucky if i get a cup of tea in bed.

It will be her own fault if you pick at her, for smelling and looking so nice, i for one wouldn’t blame you.

The only seeds i got are the Tyrone s (6 left)and 3 mystery mephisto, that will be fun to see what grows out, the others are photo and i just isn’t interested in messing about with 12/12. Would be nice to make some beans myself but baby steps. Hell doing the 9 autos will take me in to next year.
Well we can always dream my hairy friend, got the picture in my head now, sitting back in the sun surrounded by plants being trimmed by scantily clad ladies, while another rolling blunts cuban style on her thighs whenever needed. Think i just found my new happy place lol, hell anybody is welcome.

Looks like you will be good for a nice while then, you wait and see how much calmer it is growing when you are still in bud from the last grow, and not relying on the plant at your only source of bud for the foreseeable future, makes the wait seem alot shorter to.

I only grow one photo a year have to time it right though, plant it to early and got a 2 metre monster sticking out of the terrace in the middle of the city, so need to get one in so she gets to veg enough before the days shorten to -12hrs a day. She will not be getting any time in the box, just straight into a pot and on the terrace.