New Grower Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Plant Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Looking good Spanglish. Come on chubby chicks!!!! Guess you're counting the days till harvest time now.

Thanks Duckster, the countdown has got a bit easier now i got a little smoke, but hell yeah you know i am.

lol the chubby chicks comment made me go google chubby cannabis chick and god i am glad i did, bring on the canna curves lol.

lmfao A tasty treat to be sure!
Those trichs look sticky icky bro, and the plant super healthy, bet you can't wait now after sampling the goods, really good growing bro.
Thanks Dazed bro, yeah could not believe how sticky the snips got after trimming up two under developed popcorn buds she is putting out some resin for sure, but yeah am happy with the grow apart from the slip up at the start which was solved by adding the CalMg folair and then to the water (big thanks to A4) has been a problem free run.

Nope nothing been sampled yet is out drying in a shoe box in the sun, but mouth waters at the thought mmmmm gonna run off to smoke that scissor hash now.

2015-03-09 16.25.09.jpg
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Hell pal ,she is looking great, i bet your well chuffed, and your getting a little pre-taste in the bargain, fckin awesome, don't time fly! so glad i caught this at the start and been living through it with you , its been a pleasure to follow along with you m8, so another month? i know i would be snipping away at her weekly lol
Are you going to wait till she is down till ya pop the next one?. Off point i sent an e-mail to biobizz wondering why they had taken down their growing schedule from their site and was advised it was due to a change in law in Holland, that they can not produce one that refers to the growing schedule/production of a particular plant ,i.e cannabis.They gave me a heads up that if i e-mailed them back and asked then for general use of there products they would send me one and guess what it was for 12/12 schedules lol, who would have thought the dutch would come down heavy on growing.
Thanks Hairy, yeah am pretty happy compared past grows but they have been outside with just not quite enough direct sun which i am confident has been solved with using the cheapo box for that little bit extra. Will be popping the Sour Crack next and will put her in some paper towels the same week i take the Sweet Tooth down, got plenty of nutes left so the only extra cost for now is going to be a timer for the lights so i can leave them on a bit longer and a fan to move air around and cut down humidity when the box is moved out onto terrace for the summer nights.

Thats messed up with the Dutch lol the last people i thought would have laws pushed on them like that, i got the same guide when i bought my nutes, gives you a rough idea but not perfect for autos the best on i have found so far is the one in duck commanders thread on page 20 that i posted in your journal the other day.

Thanks for following along mate and looking forward to see Hairy get his grow on.
yea , cheers for that i have it bookmarked and of course have your thread to reflect back on, i was just curious why they had taken it down of there site, i had previously asked them for something particular to an auto plant and they had told me they were no longer able to offer help,strange,
Hell you will have that Spanish sun to call on soon ,onwards and upwards pal,
o how I love me the scissor hash! looking good Spanglish.
yea , cheers for that i have it bookmarked and of course have your thread to reflect back on, i was just curious why they had taken it down of there site, i had previously asked them for something particular to an auto plant and they had told me they were no longer able to offer help,strange,
Hell you will have that Spanish sun to call on soon ,onwards and upwards pal,

Yeah is strange, but the law is the law I guess no matter how retarded it may be, and at the end of the day means they can still keep putting out nice product, and as you said are many loopholes in it where they can just put up a recommended general feeding for fast and slow plants and not need to mention cannabis.

Yep sun is finally on its way, dropping back down a bit the end of the week to 10c, bit not much longer and will be growing outside all the way to mid October.

o how I love me the scissor hash! looking good Spanglish.

It was great ElSam bro, for the little bit I got off the couple of popcorn gave a real nice buzz. She is a real sticky girl so am looking forward to see what I get from the final chop. Have always wondered what the THC is in scissor hash gotta be strain dependent, but am pretty sure must be quite a bit higher than what the buds have.
:kusht:Looking good...Might say I'm a bit jealous..How my grow half that tasty...