Those are some amazing quality pictures you're taking. Super clear and detailed! Very nice (I mean all things considered for what's happening in them!) Ha!
Good morning AFN!

We're excited to announce that @Prophetiko has asked to help us out with our social media accounts a bit to get some activity and action going again! So that said, we want to jump right into it and get some drool-worthy eye candy going!

We thought it best to have a submit-thread like this so we can get the details we need (like crediting or not,) so by posting/uploading in this thread you will be considered having given consent for the social media reposting :bighug:

So if you have a picture you want us to put up on Instagram (nearly 13,000 followers!) and our other networks, start submitting them NOW!

1. Submit your picture you want uploaded to social media (if possible, a link to the journal page where the picture came from so we can link it.)
2. Please type YES or NO if we may credit your forum username in the post (possibly with link to journal when applicable.)
3. Please note, we may insert an Autoflower Network watermark into the picture (either logo or website.)

Submit, yes or no, and that's it! Anyone forgetting to type yes/no will be assumed "yes," so if that's a concern make sure you're posting all the information! Thanks guys! :pighug:

Hope these help.

DinaFem Blue Cheese Auto, single plant hydro flo n' gro system with Gen Hydro Flora Expert Recirculating nutrients, 325W Mars Hydro Pro-II Cree-128 light.
This grow has been a sidebar event with weekly updates in a research thread:
Yes you may use my username and watermark the pic

day 54 (closeup)


Day 57 (wide angle)
