Hi dogs
Today i saw a crazy duck who wants attack my small Yorkshire Jule, but Koki guards her. Jule saw the duck and wants to check out whats up and the duck run to her and want bit her, jule run to koki and he was very angry that a duck want make trouble with Jule.
That was so crazy i laughed a half hour because i was so stoned.
cu tobe
Hi dogs
Today i saw a crazy duck who wants attack my small Yorkshire Jule, but Koki guards her. Jule saw the duck and wants to check out whats up and the duck run to her and want bit her, jule run to koki and he was very angry that a duck want make trouble with Jule.
That was so crazy i laughed a half hour because i was so stoned.
cu tobe

When I was growing up I had a few ducks. They can be freaking crazy. We had a male that walked the perimeter of the front of our house on the road and attacked anybody/anything that tried to walk in front of our house. 10 miles from store, so not a lot going on, but anyway.......Eventually my lab, my first lab King, could not resist any longer and ate the ducks........Boy did he know he did wrong when I saw him; which was before I saw the carcasses.
The dogs were enjoying a little sunshine
This is Tito
and Rosco the yorkie Tink is to the right ,they love to play and run the yard,but they can also be baby bums and when the crash they sleep good...peace guys
My dog when I left for work.. View attachment 573229

Dude, check out the 10,000 point Fat Kitty Badge; this is my old lab Cysco....they look like brothers.....I love white labs with black skin. You know technically AKC still calls them yellows.??

Actually you can see Cysco on the post right above on @stepside badges....