whiff of a sweaty armpit and she is in Love.

hmmm...Worth Pondering....

Tobe..I can't give you a dog badge ATM..coz I'm the only one that can do them ATM and I am over-run..But..
I will make the next 4 Fat Kitties from members dog photos if you want.

Like Moondudes.

If anyone wants their dog on one of the AFN needs to be a very Clear/crisp head shot..coz when we shrink them up all the details disappears.

4 Places available only..first come first served...:headbang:

Essentially a dog photo contest, get ready for the onslaught of photos.....:pop:

This is great and will help the thread get more traction.......:headbang:
This is Rosco the little menace,,usually one or two leaves will finish him off ,he's the third member of the d-fol patrol
Tito the baby wookie only like his stuff in edibles !!
LOL, Tito looks to have a smirk o' satisfaction on his face!
He does,he's a spoiled little dog,they are brothers from other mothers ,but they take care of each other Rosco is protective of Tito cause he is blind in one eye and has a leg that didn't develop right,he don't let it stop him from being a menace tho !!!
He just got thru killing a toy
he likes to sleep on his back
they both have their haircuts for summer,it was cold this day so he had a "onesie" on
You guys ever heard of the Overtoun Bridge?

Apparently there's been 50 dogs jump to their death over 50 years.....there's loads of articles and vids online if you search but I found out about it on one of those 10 creepiest places on earth type vids on YT.

From the moment my dogs got out the car they were excited by all the new smells and were pulling me all over the place. Both of them wanted to look over the same bit of the bridge though....


I only got a shot of the wee one doing it but I think it's the sound of the water that tempts them over. All the exciting smells along that road had them wired already.
Yes I have, I believe some university bods did some tests and put it down to the scent of mink living below the bridge iirc. 50 dogs in 50 years is a bizarre number though, don't know if I'd take my dogs near it :eek1:
Yes I have, I believe some university bods did some tests and put it down to the scent of mink living below the bridge iirc. 50 dogs in 50 years is a bizarre number though, don't know if I'd take my dogs near it :eek1:

I'm not sure I believe the mink story any more than the ghost story TBH.

I wonder if a dog would realise it's on a bridge.

And to be fair my wee dog had a nose off every bridge we crossed on the walk upsteam.....maybe they all had ghosts or mink:shrug: It wasn't a relaxing walk, that's for sure!

Excellent pic....what a surprise!!!!

Thanks bud, it was a surprise to me too! Thankfully the dogs didn't seem to notice them and I called them away from the den as quickly as I could, finished the walk, went home, ditched dogs, grabbed bud and camera and went back to try for a shot:shooty: