Order placed. Looking forward to trying out some new nutes. Been using fox farms Since I started a couple years ago. Hopefully remo will out perform fox farms. I only used the trio so not used to all the extras the remo kit comes with but I'm sure I will get used to it.
Ok got the bundle pack in my cart. I am wanting to try some humidity packs. I was wondering if anyone has a preference between boveda and integra. What I like about boveda is they have 58% packs. I think 62% is too moist.
I have only used the 62's before now I just use a hygrometer not saying the bovedas don't work I'm always checking on my jars breaking a nug or 2 down tells me a lot... I always shoot for 62 in the jars either way the dry plays a big part in it as well I'm still fine tuning that myself sometimes I hang dry sometimes I bag dry this hobby of ours is a every day learning experience

You got the bundle pack of remos line???

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@IzzyTheGrower yes I got the full bundle. The entire prossess is a learning experience. I've been doin it for a few years now and still trying to perfect it. I've hung dry and only did one plant in paperbags. This current harvest I'll probably have to do a bit of both. I've got a couple nugs drying in a paper bag to sample. I believe that's the best way to get a quick taste not cured the bag seems to hold some flavor in. I went with the 58's. Sometimes it sits in jars for a while and has dried out on me more then I like. Hoping to stop this in two ways. Just got better jars with real seals. And the boveda packs. They're cheap enough maybe I'll order some 62's and use those for longer storage.
Nutes arrived. Looking forward to staring up some feeding. Do u guys go full strength.

I think people who grow in soil did it in full strength with good success. Different story with hydro ofcourse. How about @Waximus or @Fairlynew do you have any tips / thoughts about the feed for soil with Remo Nutrients -line for Mizzo?
Was also thinking about getting some optic foliar spray. May be over doing it. I've gotten away for years with very little and decent return.
Sorry im late on this reply, I would say no need for the optic foliar as you can use velokelp and magnifical as foliars 10ml a quart you can either split them up for example velokelp in the morning and then mag at night or both in the same sprayer the girls love it velokelp is the real deal you'll see [emoji41]

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Well I pretty much went full strength. A little weak but close to full. We shall see.
Running in pots full strength/following schedule, autopots start off 1ml/L then max out at 2ml/L i have yet to get burnt tips using this line and the only time I Ph is when I over think shit this line is very stable depending on water source ph should fall right in range in soil you'd prolly have to raise it I get 5.8-6.0 after mixing a batch

When you feed bennies such as recharge or mammoth p, slf 100 is also a good one you can back down on the ratios as the extra goodies will allow the plants to uptake more nutrients

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