Nutrients The Remo Nutrients Cannazone Test, by Waximus

Them are looking good, Lambsbread in an interest of mine, hope to get my own growin' soon.

You got a nice set of nutes there.

Is lambsbread around a 14 week bloom time or something in and around there? I've been interested in that one to but after autos I find even a 9week bloom to feel like a decade lol
Is lambsbread around a 14 week bloom time or something in and around there? I've been interested in that one to but after autos I find even a 9week bloom to feel like a decade lol
I'm told that the Lammy I got is an 8 week photo:coffee:

I'm going to hit my source up, and get some further info on it:thumbsup:
I'm told that the Lammy I got is an 8 week photo:coffee:

I'm going to hit my source up, and get some further info on it:thumbsup:
Sweet 8 weeks is cool 14 is a different story lol... have you ever heard of Dr Grinspoon strain ? Super long boom terrible yield but is suppose to be an amazing sativa ... flavour , high.
Did you follow the calculator verbatim? I'M about to do a remo run and nothing else. I have the whole nutrient line back together and ready to go.