New Grower IN AT THE DEEP END !! - DWC/LED/Remo Nutrients: Fruit Punch Auto/Cheese Auto


ppm: 219
pH: 6.1
Temp: 26.6 C
Water Temp: 22.1 C
RH: 38%

Seem to be having an issue with the first Fruit Punch.
It looks like a Cal/Mag deficiency - didn't expect that in the first week...

Original Cheese Auto:
Looking good and has about 4" of taproot out of the net and into the water :thumb:


Fruit Punch Auto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]:
The one with what looks like a cal/Mag deficiency.
On the positive side, it has 2"-3" of taproot in the water now :D


Fruit Punch Auto [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]:
The baby of the bunch - still running a few days behind the others.


I am in the process of doing a full res change and will be starting to add the other nutrients now:

Velokelp: 1.5ml per litre
Grow: 0.75ml per litre
Magnifical: 0.75ml per litre
Micro: 0.75ml per litre
natures Candy: 0.75 ml per litre
Forgive me, this Christmas sales season has me insanely busy. Fruit punches seem bit ill, not deficiency. Usually we see these with too low pH and/or too high feed.

They share the same reservoir, right? In that case it would be iffy to do anything different since the cheese there is loving her life. I'd wait with Natures Candy still to keep the ppms down bro.

All the best!
Yes, they all share the same res.
I am taking it easy with the nutes for the minute - the Cheese came bursting out of the gates compared to the fruit punch so the Punches are actually a day or 2 behind the Cheese..
PH has consistently been 6.0 > 6.3
Not panicking (yet) :D
Yes, they all share the same res.
I am taking it easy with the nutes for the minute - the Cheese came bursting out of the gates compared to the fruit punch so the Punches are actually a day or 2 behind the Cheese..
PH has consistently been 6.0 > 6.3
Not panicking (yet) :D

That Cheese seems like a good strong pheno and it might be wise to give everything by HER standards and let rest hang on LOL. It may be that the little ones will adapt soon after such a rough start. Lets keep at it and see!
That Cheese seems like a good strong pheno and it might be wise to give everything by HER standards and let rest hang on LOL. It may be that the little ones will adapt soon after such a rough start. Lets keep at it and see!

Yeah, I'm leaning that way myself, even though the FP would be my preferred grow to concentrate on.
Next grow, make sure ALL of the plants are the same strain to remove one possible bump in the road regarding DWC with a shared Res...
hi pal thought id say hi i use remo and grow in the same space with a viper 600w and a 600w hps mix you seem to be off to a great start plus heavyweight seeds are a great strain i just finished fast and vast and i have 3 fruit punch in reserve for my next adventure also how are you finding remo i grew so nice fat buds so im sticking with it from now also @MedGrower is very experienced he is one of my go to guys
hi pal thought id say hi i use remo and grow in the same space with a viper 600w and a 600w hps mix you seem to be off to a great start plus heavyweight seeds are a great strain i just finished fast and vast and i have 3 fruit punch in reserve for my next adventure also how are you finding remo i grew so nice fat buds so im sticking with it from now also @MedGrower is very experienced he is one of my go to guys

Can't really say with the Remo as this is my first ever grow and I have only used the VeloKelp and magnifical so far.

No pic update today, but all 3 are going strong now and all have tap roots into the water.
The def/illness on the FP#2 seems to have halted and it is now perking up towards the light.
Can't really say with the Remo as this is my first ever grow and I have only used the VeloKelp and magnifical so far.

No pic update today, but all 3 are going strong now and all have tap roots into the water.
The def/illness on the FP#2 seems to have halted and it is now perking up towards the light.

Excellent! This is good news indeed :thumbsup: I was a bit worried about your FP's. Hope they keep going alright from now on! :vibe:
Day 10 update:::::




All looking good.
The FP#1 has definitely recovered from the def/illnes and is now growing nicely.
FP#2 is also coming along well.

Both are a day or 2 behind the Cheese, but it is simply racing along at full steam.
Cheese Roots:

Nice set of roots so far.
The brown spot on the roots is nothing to do with rot or staining but is simply particles from the clay pellets - even though I had rinsed the HELL out of them :(

Very happy with the way things are going so far.
Hopefully in the next week or so, the Fruit Punch's will catch up to the cheese.
Well FML - the site I was using to host my pictures just shut down :(
Unfortunately, I had deleted most of them from my phone/PC, so I will try to work something out...